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16 Mei 2024 16:25

45 school farewell poems, effective and full of emotion

By using pantun, we indirectly preserve the culture of this nation. Sri Jumiyarti Risno
45 school farewell poems, effective and full of emotion foto: freepik.com

Brilio.net - School time is an unforgettable moment, there you can have various memories. Starting from the bonds of friendship, love, to mischief are painted in memory. But unfortunately, school doesn't last long. You have to separate from your friends and teachers at school so you can continue to develop and grow up.

School farewells can be filled with various series of events. One of them is by replying to rhymes. Pantun is an old type of poetry that developed in the motherland , it is not surprising that pantun is often called an Indonesian tradition that must be preserved.

Therefore, rhymes are often found at several events such as school farewells, proposals, weddings, and other events. Even for events in certain cultures, rhymes are mandatory . This is an effort to continue to live up to the culture of this nation.

So, without waiting any longer, let's take a look at 45 school farewell rhymes that are memorable and full of emotion, reported by brilio.net from various sources, Thursday (16/5).

An interesting school farewell rhyme.

photo: freepik.com

1. In the science park, gain knowledge
With beloved teachers and friends
Now is the time to move forward
Pursue loving dreams

2. Light the stove with a match
Because there is no wood
Hopefully with this separation
We know what longing is

3. The teacher is the lamp that lights the way
Providing knowledge and love
Your service will never be forgotten
Engraved in the heart forever

4. Friends are like brothers
Together through joy and sorrow
The memories together will never be forgotten
Always stored in the soul

5. Don't cut wet wood
Making a fire won't work
Goodbye, goodbye
Hopefully we will be more successful

6. Lohan catfish
Looked after by Mang Tatang
This is the day of farewell to Mrs. Canteen
Don't forget to pay, yes, those who have debt

7. A female police officer is called a policewoman
Good job accept the praise
Goodbye guys
I will miss hanging out with you guys

8. Sugar from sugar cane
Sugarcane grows in Pak Jaja's field
Forgive us for being stubborn, Sir Bu
He is also still a teenager

9. Take a trip to the animal market
When he went home he bought duku
Farewell, friends
Don't miss my handsome face

10. My shoes are still new
Buy it from Temanggung City
Thank you for your guidance, Mrs. Teacher
Although sometimes we like to be confused

11. Bamboo trees grow very high
If sold it would sell for hundreds of thousands
Goodbye to white and gray
May our future be bright, not gray

12. Take a trip to the city by carriage
Go with Hamzah
Happy new life friends
Is the consent valid after the diploma?

13. There is a child named Falah
He has an older sister named Kania
Happy school farewell day
When did you separate from him?

14. It's really delicious to eat fruit
There are snake fruit and also duku
Today is our last day of school
I will never forget the services of Mr. Teacher

15. Ride the carriage next to the coachman
Delman walked carefully
This separation is not the end
But the start to a higher level

16. Travel to Yogyakarta
Don't forget to go to Prawirotaman
Goodbye my beloved school
Thank you for your knowledge and experience

17. The mango tree has lush fruit
Pick using a pole
Your services will never be rewarded in any way
Our prayers are with you every step of the way

18. Palm trees at the intersection
Don't forget to bring fruit
Even though we are apart
But still one soul

19. On Sunday go to the forest
Meet a blue bird
Goodbye friends
Hope to see you another time.

20. Clear clouds blue sky
Turns orange at dusk
Goodbye my classmate
Hopefully we will be successful together.

Memorable school farewell rhymes.

photo: freepik.com

21. Basil leaves on a mat
Duku fruit makes you hungry
I still want to be taught
By my clever teacher

22. In the city of Solo buying noodles
It feels good all the way to the corner
How troubled our hearts are
Had to say goodbye to teachers

23. His name was Lohan arrested
Sold a thousand immediately snatched
I say sorry when parting
To my most patient teacher

24. In the city of Tegal where he studied
The boarding house is next door
Goodbye school friends
I'm sorry I made a lot of mistakes

25. Go alone on the weekend
Go on holiday to Raja Ampat
With a heavy heart, we let go
Hopefully the teacher is always healthy

26. Baboon monkeys are good at concocting
Concocting natural medicines
Three years of searching for knowledge
Forgive us for all our mischief

27. Make chairs from rattan
To be placed in the living room
Don't be sad, friend
This separation is only a matter of time

28. Eat rice as a side dish of tripe
Too good, hard to stop
Stay in touch and be friendly
Hopefully we will be successful in the future

29. The book is closed, the pen is put away
The beautiful memories at school are unforgettable
Footsteps towards the future
May success accompany you on every path

30. My green shirt is now starting to fade
The color is no longer fresh
Friendship will never fade
May we all always shine

31. Sailing on a Pelni ship
It's been a week and it hasn't arrived yet
This hurts my heart
Can't meet all my friends

32. Go to the garden to get cassava
Cassava cooked by Ani
To be honest, I still don't want to
Leaving this beloved school

33. Samson was the strongest man
Nobody can beat him
Sad but what can you do?
A bright future awaits

34. Secure the wood with a nail
Don't forget to hit it with the hammer
I couldn't feel the tears in my eyes
When you have to say goodbye to your beloved teacher

35. My sister's hair is tied in two ponytails
Tomorrow I'll ask for it to be braided
Having fun with all your friends
But now we can only remember

36. Joni suddenly became a millionaire
The villagers became jealous
I can't fight this separation
Even though the tightness in the chest is approaching

37. When you cut a watermelon it is red
Don't eat the seeds
Goodbye school friends
Hope you meet on the ladder of success

38. In class you can rank fifth
Sitting and daydreaming makes me sad
Really want to stay together
You are the teacher I always miss

39. Eagles fly high
Then hovered over the garden
The services of teachers are countless
I will remember it forever

40. A carriage came in procession
The color is white, the shape is beautiful
Before we part, we say
Thank you for all the knowledge

41. Take the machine and go chopping
The grass is very high
See you again, friend
Hopefully we will meet again

42. How fragrant jasmine flowers are
Beautiful blooms on Wednesday
This separation is really painful
Especially with you, my good friend

43. Small holes are called gaps
Quickly patched with red bricks
We went to school for so many years
Forgive me if I often make you angry

45. The Governor went camping
Camping in a hibiscus tree
We went to school for three years
Please forgive the wrong attitude

Characteristics of poetry.

photo: freepik.com

Additional information, pantun as a form of traditional Indonesian poetry, has distinctive characteristics and is easy to recognize. The characteristics of pantun include:

1. Stanza structure.

Each rhyme stanza consists of four lines. These rows are often called arrays.

2. Number of words per line.

Ideally, each line in a pantun has a minimum of 8 words and a maximum of 12 words. This helps maintain the simplicity and musicality of the pantun.

3. Rhyme pattern.

The characteristic of pantun that is easy to recognize is its pattern. Generally, pantun has two rhyme patterns, namely abab or aaaa. The letters here represent the end rhyme of each line.

4. Attachment and contents.

Pantun is divided into two parts, namely sampiran and content. Sampiran are the first two lines of the pantun. Usually the sampiran contains expressions or parables that are not directly related to the main message.

Meanwhile, the contents of the pantun are the third and fourth lines. This section contains the main message or intention that the rhyme maker wants to convey.

5. Anonymous.

Pantun is generally anonymous, meaning it is not known who its creator is. Pantuns are created and passed down from generation to generation in society.

By understanding these characteristics, you can more easily recognize and even create your own rhymes.

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