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24 Mei 2024 08:00

45 rhymes for your beloved boyfriend, romantic and heart-melting

Apart from being romantic, rhymes for girlfriends can also be entertaining. Sri Jumiyarti Risno
foto: freepik.com

Brilio.net - Everyone is free to express their feelings and love for the person they love. Especially for those who are already dating, you should express more romantic words and make your partner entertained. The reason is, hearing words of love can make your girlfriend feel happy .

Apart from romantic words, you can also express your love and affection for your boyfriend through rhymes. Pantun is an old type of poetry that has beautiful words and is popular with many people because it has a distinctive rhyme pattern such as ab or abab. This rhyme pattern makes the rhyme sound pleasant and entertaining.

So, for those of you who are interested in making rhymes for your beloved boyfriend, but are confused about how to put the words together, there's no need to worry . You can listen to the collection of rhymes for your beloved girlfriend which are reviewed in this article as reported by brilio.net from various sources, Wednesday (22/5).

Poems for your beloved boyfriend, make your heart melt.

photo: freepik.com

1. Jasmine flowers are fragrant
Beautiful blooms in a beautiful garden
Your smile is like the morning sun
Makes my heart always love

2. Sparrows fly in the sky
Looking for food in the morning
Miss you incomparably
Want to always be with you, sweetheart

3. The bright blue sky is cheerful
White clouds floated in the air
My love for you will never fade
Always loyal forever

4. Take a walk to a beautiful beach
See the waves breaking on the rocks
Your eyes are like beautiful stars
Makes my heart always calm

5. Watch a sad music concert
Listen to melodious and serene songs
My love for you is like a beautiful melody
Always makes my heart fascinated and moved

6. Try planting mumbang
Hopefully coconuts will grow
Try planting, dear
May it be love

7. Buy a book
Make a guest
My heart is cool
Seeing your smile

8. Drink herbal medicine in the morning
In the afternoon, buy coconuts
Oh your smile
Sweet like sugar

9. Even though the taste of herbal medicine is bitter
Your whole body will be healthy
Knock knock knock open your heart
Here I come to love you

10. Orange parrots
After eating he flew away
Hopefully God will unite us
Even though now the distance is wide

11. What a danger poisonous snakes are
If bitten, you will fall into a coma
I think I'm really happy
If we are always together

12. Assembling upstream
Swim to shore
I will take our love to the prince
To end up on the aisle

13. Write a letter on a bench
The blue letter is carried in the cocoon
My love is like a nail
Always grows even if cut

14. Get a nail hit by a rock
Mixed herbs on the stove
My pure love is enough
For you all the time

15. Children run happily
Playing kite
My boyfriend is very loyal
I love you more and more

16. There is an elephant on a rock
Under the rock there is a shrimp
Stay loyal to me
Because you're the only one I love

17. Coconut tree with pandan leaves
Flying birds above the clouds
Pearls of wisdom are not worth it
Because you are truly charming

18. It is haram to swallow wine
Because many lives were lost
Even though distance is separating us
None of this is a barrier

19. Randu stems are eaten by proboscis monkeys
The proboscis monkey was caught by the committee
Don't hesitate to get close
Because I'm a loyal person

20. Innocent bird of paradise
Eat duku on basil
Don't doubt, believe me love
My pure love will not be left behind

21. Register for a quiz on the last day
Monday Thursday brings goods
Don't hesitate, don't worry
My sweet love for you alone

22. A dense sprig of kemuning fruit
Let's be quiet on stage
Pain and dizziness can be treated
Longing for revenge, who wants to bear it?

23. Mama is thinking about finding tactics
In order to win against intrigue
If I can pick a rainbow
I made it the most beautiful dowry

24. Tired thinking is revealed
In the evening looking for food
In poetry I express it
The feeling of love is unbearable

Romantic rhymes for your beloved girlfriend, make you salty.

photo: freepik.com

25. Dewdrops on leaves
Makes it cool and beautiful in the garden
I will maintain this love
As long as life is still in the body

26. Go around town with your arowana
Don't forget to chew chocolate
While you are there
My longing is getting worse

27. Go to the forest and find a mine
The red mines look shiny
Love grows green
The heart and soul are no longer confused

28. There is sugar and there are ants
Stiff heart without beating
Your heart is soft, your smile is cute
Make me fall away

29. Rays of dawn at the edge of the reef
A sullen face exposed to charcoal
I'll chase your love alone
Even if death comes to attack

30. Today is Tuesday
Tomorrow is Wednesday
If you want to always be loved
Many people say they miss him

31. Eat vegetables every day
Complete with a plate of rice
Every time I fall asleep
I want you in my heart

32. Time keeps turning
Likes never disappear
Longing greetings continue to radiate
For loved ones

33. Pure love is like white paper
Always clean if cared for wholeheartedly
Living life without a lover
Like a sky without a rainbow

34. One thousand and one banyan trees
Only one kapok tree
A thousand nights are cold
It's only your face that I miss

35. Birds fly over the turi
Perched for a while on a walnut tree
My love is very pure
Like dew in the morning

36. Wild grass on the mat
Overgrown with roses
If you miss it, it will bloom even more
Only your photo is the bidder

37. One plus one
Same as two
I am with you
Love each other

38. Buy clothes with holes in the hem
Clothes are damaged due to stitching
I'm not telling lies
My love for you is as wide as the ocean

39. Eating the liver is revealed using a stone
Dates as the dessert
True love is enough
Only with you forever

40. Go to Palembang and buy a ticket
Bring home souvenirs
When love lasts
Love will not fade

41. Lying in bed, for hours
My heart longs, my eyes find it difficult to close
Flirting, flirting
Neng still loves her, even though her brother is sour

42. Sit while reading a book
Read books about love
When I met you
Eh I immediately fell in love

43. Tie cardboard with neata
A large cardboard box filled with stones
I promise to be loyal
Make yourself number one

44. Clothing shop sells trousers
Mrs. Tati bought nice trousers
My love is simple
However, it comes from the bottom of the heart

45. Tanjung Kipul is selling well
I am happy that I have collected money
You are sweet. I love you completely
Let me carry the burden of your life

What is pantun, its function and characteristics.

As additional information, you need to know what pantun is so you can understand and create your own version of pantun. Here's the full explanation below!

photo: freepik.com

Pantun is an old form of poetry that is popular in the archipelago, especially among the Malay community. Pantun usually consists of four lines, with the rhyme pattern abab or aaaa. The first and second lines are called sampiran, while the third and fourth lines are called contents.

The main function of pantun is to convey certain messages or expressions, such as:

- Expressions of love or affection

- Congratulations or condolences

- Moral message or advice

- Entertain and lighten the atmosphere

Pantun has several distinctive characteristics, namely:

- The number of lines consists of 4 lines

- The rhyme pattern is ab or aa or abab or aaaa

- The structure of the pantun is sampiran (lines 1 and 2) and content (lines 3 and 4)

- Usually uses language that is easy to understand and contains figures of speech

- Has a regular rhythm and is pleasant to hear

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