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28 Mei 2024 15:45

40 Pantun mentally affects your ex, making moving on even more complete

Pantun mentally affects your ex not as a means of revenge, but as a form of heartfelt confession Sri Jumiyarti Risno

Brilio.net - When you are in a romantic relationship, it doesn't always go smoothly. There are obstacles that cause relationships to crack and ultimately break up. There are couples who break up on good terms, there are also those who end their relationship in an unfortunate way that hurts their feelings.

There are various ways to express hurt feelings. So, the way to express your annoyance and hurt towards your ex can be through rhymes.

Pantun has a mental impact on the ex, not as a means of revenge, but as a form of heartfelt confession as well as a nudge to the ex who has left a wound. Especially for the ex who left with a bunch of false promises and betrayals that hurt your heart.

A collection of mentally affecting rhymes for your ex can also be a satire that can make them aware. At the very least, it will relieve your heart after breaking up. Without waiting any longer, here are 40 mentally affecting rhymes for exes, making moving on even more complete, reported from various sources, Tuesday (28/5).

Pantun is mentally affected by your ex

photo: freepik.com

1. Hen, rooster
Take a boat across the ocean
I looked at my ex's face
His eyes were full of confusion.

2. Cook coconut milk into dough
The water overflowed so it was scattered
The ex is already sitting on the aisle
Let's rise from adversity.

3. After taking a break, you can swim
Then play a drum
Don't remember bad exes
It's better to get his name kicked.

4. There is a devil in the tree
The black devil looks stupid
If your ex begs you
That's a sign that you haven't moved on.

5. Go to Kalimantan to fly kites
Fell on the sand hit by a shell
The ex's face is in the shadows
Immediately wanted to go backwards.

6. The city bus is crowded
Until I forgot the address
It's been a long time since I saw my ex
I forgot what his name was.

7. In the evening it rained lightly
Watching puppets, don't glance
The ex came looking beautiful
But unfortunately it's not interesting.

8. Rattan trees have no hair
Wilts to death due to parasites
The ex is just the past
Don't make a fuss.

9. Midnight reading a book
A thin book about Harajuku
Good night my ex-mantas
Is it still not selling?

10. In the morning light a candle
The candle is entangled in a piece of cloth
My ex left, I was left behind
It's time to get up, look for something else.

11. See the artists fighting over it
Beautiful metropolitan artist
Don't remember your ex anymore
Gone without saying goodbye.

12. There are thugs with cruel faces
His friend came with a sarcastic face
Seeing your ex crying
In the heart joy feels sweet.

13. The farmer took the transport
His wife came to a social gathering
Today I met my ex
It tastes bland and not impressive.

14. To Bosnia looking for shells
Even met a bear
So that the world will be cheerful again
Memories of the former must be thrown away.

15. The skin of the bump is bitten
There are lots of naughty mosquitoes in flocks
Keep your ex in mind
As provisions for the journey.

16. A sheet of iron is rusty
Used to install rattan
Don't be sad thinking about your ex
Because you are still being fought over.

17. Go to the river to fish
Got the gabaru fish
Don't remind me of my ex
It's better to just remember your debt.

18. Old motorbikes are really beautiful
Enter the exhibition on Sunday
Eh, my ex is so pretty
He didn't realize he was with me.

19. If you go to Pekanbaru
Buy brother a kilo of duku
You used to decide on me
Now you're out of business.

20. Grandpa has a cold and coughs up phlegm
Stuffy nose with a cold
How can I not laugh?
When your ex's new girlfriend is really ugly.

Pantun is mental for exes, entertaining and suitable for satire on social media

photo: freepik.com

21. Group study at a friend's house
Do your homework for Monday
No need to reminisce about your ex
Bring happiness and look for someone else.

22. Ripe dragon fruit is red
Harvested when I got home from school
He said it was better to separate
Why are you still anxious now?

23. Go to the river by boat
The boat was damaged by rocks
Ex has a new girlfriend
But worse than me.

24. Make a table with nails
Put him in the main room
He said he couldn't live without me
Are you still alive now?

25. Two or three fishermen's children
Go to sea to catch fish
Why remember your ex?
Because he's not a hero.

26. Parrots eat sticky rice
Next to it is a rock
Why should you think about your ex?
There's something new here.

27. Go to Bonbin to see orangutans
There are lots of orangutans
Why accept your ex?
Don't be a fool twice.

28. Take a leisurely walk in the morning
Tomorrow's holiday to Bali Island
Invite him back after leaving
Sorry, I don't care.

29. Breakfast with sticky rice
Drink water and milk
Good night, ex
Do you miss that hut?

30. If you want to catch fish
Don't be afraid of getting wet
If your ex asks you back
Sorry, I'm legal.

31. After school in the afternoon
It rained on the way
Even though we're apart
Memories on the river are unforgettable.

32. Dark clouds in the gray sky
At dusk on Saturday
I really love you
Why do you have the heart to betray me?

33. Turn on the stove using a wick
To cook cassava
I don't know what my mistakes and sins are
So you lied to me.

34. Learn to motorbike slowly
The tire slipped on a rock
Maybe God didn't ordain it
So He shows that person.

35. Before it rains, prepare an umbrella
So that your body doesn't get wet
Let me bear it
The pain of lies.

36. Mutual cooperation on Sunday morning
Clean schools and ditches
This is the suffering I experienced
A very bitter failure in love

37. The watermelon is red
Duku fruit tastes sweet
I really didn't think so
How dare you play me

38. Go to the stall by bicycle
Buy chilies and make pickles
I've been suspicious for a long time
It turns out my guess was right.

39. Sponge cake is delicious
Want to buy on Sunday
Want to go back to the ex like before
Try thinking about it first.

40. I used to get lost in the forest
Now I'm above the clouds
You used to waste me
Now you want it back.

Tips for making rhymes

Apart from these examples of mental rhymes, you can also make your own version of rhymes. To make a mental rhyme for your ex not difficult, you can follow the following tips!

1. Determine the theme or topic of the poem.

The topic of a pantun can come from anything, such as personal experiences, feelings, events seen or heard, and so on. The more interesting the theme, the more interesting the resulting rhyme.

2. Make a drape.

The sampiran are the first two lines in the pantun which function as an introduction to the content of the pantun. The sampiran must have the same rhyme as the content of the rhyme, namely abab.

3. Make the content of the poem.

The content of the pantun is the last two lines in the pantun which contain the message or meaning to be conveyed. The content of the pantun must be related to the sampiran and have the same rhyme as the sampiran, namely abab.

4. Pay attention to the number of syllables.

Each line in a pantun ideally consists of 8 to 12 syllables. This aims to make the rhymes sound good and easy to understand.

5. Use beautiful and interesting language.

Use beautiful and interesting language when making rhymes. This aims to make the rhymes more interesting to read and hear.

6. Pay attention to the meaning.

Make sure the rhyme has a clear meaning and is easy to understand. Avoid making rhymes that have ambiguous meanings or are difficult to understand.

7. Check the rhyme that has been created again.

After you have finished making the rhyme, read the rhyme again to ensure that the rhyme is good and correct. Pay attention again to the rhyme, the number of syllables, and the meaning.

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