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16 Februari 2016 12:00

4 Remedies of common ailments that can be found in your kitchen

When it comes to minor ailments, refrain yourself from going to the drugstore and head to the kitchen instead. Nadia Bintoro
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Brilio.net/en - Nature is amazing and thats non-debatable. When it comes to minor ailments, refrain yourself from going to the drugstore and head to the kitchen instead. Everything that you need to cure your body can be easily found there.

Here are some that can be easily made within minutes:

1. Ginger for nausea, headache and menstrual cramps


Ginger is a powerful ingredient to keep the nausea and headache at bay. Its also great to reduce menstrual cramps. To use it, simply crushed one or two part of ginger and put it in boiling water. If you dont like its strong flavor, add honey into the mixture. Not only its a natural sweetener, honey also possesses anti-inflammatory property which is essential to help the body fight against infection.

2. Apples for heartburn and acid reflux


Trigger foods like soda, high-fat beef and anything fried are catalyst for painful acid reflux. The best food to deal with this is Apple as it contains pectin, a soluble fiber thats really great in absorbing stomach acid. In addition, the fruit contains two types of acid, malic and tartaric that functions to beat back any juices that flow up from your stomach. An apple a day really keeps the doctor away!

3. Turmeric for infections

Image: integral-options.blogspot.com

This holy powder is rich in curcumin that possess strong anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties to help with cleansing and healing of wounds. A study even found that the curcumin has the ability to stop bacteria from multiplying. If you have a little cut or scrape, try dabbing a little turmeric. Grab half of teaspoon of turmeric powder and mix with water to make a paste. After the area is dry, cover with bandage and let the healing begins.

4. Cucumber for puffy eyes


This is a quick remedy that works! Simply cut thin a cucumber and lay the slices over your eyes to reduce puffiness after a tiring day. Cucumbers which contain 95% water offer a nice cooling sensation, and the cold temperature causes blood vessels to constricts and reduce inflammation. You'll only need to leave them on for 10 minutes for fresher-looking eyes.

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