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5 Maret 2024 05:25

4 How to report fraud to get your money back to the authorities, here's the procedure

Before reporting a fraud incident that you experienced, make sure you have collected various corroborating evidence. Brilio.net
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Brilio.net - Fraud has always been a frightening threat to the wider community. Not only targeting lower levels of society, fraud also targets various groups, including wealthy people. As time goes by, fraud methods are increasingly developing and becoming more difficult. The fraud that causes the most victims is money fraud. Money fraud usually forces victims to send a certain amount of money using a transfer method with certain incentives. The problem is, if the fraudster has successfully seduced the victim into carrying out a transaction, it will be very difficult for the victim to take back their rights.

If you are a victim of fraudulent money practices, there is no need to panic , calm yourself and think calmly. The main step you have to take is to go to the authorities, report the fraud clearly and in detail. However, if you still don't know the procedures and steps for reporting fraud to the authorities, please read this article until the end.

So what are the steps for reporting fraud so that money that has already been sent can be returned? How to report fraud to get your money back to the authorities has several stages and procedures that must be passed.

Before reporting a fraud incident that you experienced, make sure you have collected various corroborating evidence. Apart from evidence, you also have to be able to describe the entire series of events well. Furthermore, how to report fraud to get your money back can be through various government agencies such as the police, OJK, SWI, or related banks.

Even though there are still many people who think that reporting fraud incidents to the authorities seems complicated and ineffective, there is no harm in trying to make an effort and thoroughly investigate the fraud, so that no one else in the community becomes the next victim.

Here are four ways to report fraud to the authorities so you can get your money back, complete with procedures, reported by brilio.net from various sources, Monday (4/3).

(intern/Zidan Fajri)

1. Report it to the police.

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The police as a government agency responsible for all crimes that occur in society are at the forefront of preventing fraud. You can report what happened to the police. The procedures you must fulfill include:

- Go to the nearest police station. If you don't know the location of the nearest police station, you can search for it via Google or ask local residents.

- Submit supporting evidence. Some evidence can strengthen the report you submitted, such as screen capture evidence of conversations via WhatsApp or telephone, proof of transfers along with the fraudster's account number, transaction history, or audio recordings of conversations, and much more.

- Make official reports. Tell about what happened to you in a coherent and detailed manner. Create a storyline that is easy to understand and doesn't make things complicated. Also tell us about the mode of fraud that you experienced with the reasons given by the fraudster. If you experience fraud directly, describe the perpetrator as clearly as possible.

- Assist the police in the investigation and refund process. After the report is received, the police will take several steps to investigate the case. You must be cooperative as a source of the incident. Also complete several further steps requested by the officer to assist with other investigative agendas.

2. Report to the Financial Services Authority (OJK).

photo: merdeka6.com/Andri Wiranuari

The next way to report fraud to get your money back is through the OJK. The financial services authority is an independent state institution which has the task of regulating and supervising all activities included in the financial services sector. If you experience money fraud by a company or individual acting on behalf of the government, you can report the fraud you experienced to the OJK. Several steps for reporting to the OJK include:

- Report fraud via the OJK website. You can find consumer complaint services for various financial violations on the official OJK website on the page https://www.ojk.go.id/.

- Report fraud via the official OJK email at consumer@ojk.go.id. Also include evidence of fraud and tell the chronology of the fraud you experienced. Wait until you get a reply email, then the OJK will direct you to the next steps.

- Report fraud via the official OJK telephone number (157). Call the telephone number, then you will be asked to tell the chronology of the fraud incident you experienced.

OJK will assist you in the process of investigating fraud reports that occur. The mediation and negotiation process between the reported financial service provider and the reporting party is one of the steps taken by the OJK to resolve the issue of fraud.

3. Report to the Investment Alert Task Force (SWI).

photo: merdeka6.com/Arfandi

How to report fraud to get your money back, especially investment fraud, can be through SWI. The Investment Alert Task Force is a task force established by the OJK as an institution responsible for preventing and handling illegal investment practices. SWI collaborates with various ministries to track down fraudulent investments that often deceive ordinary people. If you are a victim of fraudulent investment practices, please report it to SWI.

- Report fraud via the official SWI telephone number (021-157)

- Report fraud via the official SWI email (satgaspasti@ojk.go.id)

- Report fraud via SWI's official Whatsapp contact number (+62 81-157-157-157)

To date, SWI has recorded reports of fraudulent investment fraud from 2017-2023 amounting to IDR 139.674 trillion. There are 13,064 fraudulent investment entities that have been successfully closed. Be careful when investing, make sure you check the ins and outs of the investment service provider first before investing.

4. Report it to the bank.

photo: freepik.com

If you are exposed to fraud using the banking transfer transaction method, you can report the fraud to the bank. The bank will help in tracking the flow of fraudulent transactions and tracking the fraudster's account number. You can use the fraudster's account number and personal data to strengthen evidence for reporting to the authorities. Several ways to report fraud to the bank include:

- Contact the bank call center. You can search for bank call center numbers on various official website pages on the internet site.

- Immediately go to the nearest bank office. Report the fraud you experienced to your bank's customer service.

The bank will later provide several further steps in the investigation process. Apart from that, the bank will also take steps to block the account numbers of the victim and the perpetrator so that transactions do not occur against the victim's wishes in the future. If the entire investigation process is successfully carried out, the bank will make efforts to return the money to the victim.

Those are four ways to report fraud to get your money back to the authorities. Please remember that not all fraud reporting will always find a bright spot. The amount of money that has been returned is not guaranteed to be as complete as before. The success of the investigation process depends greatly on supporting evidence, the type of fraud, and how quickly you submit your report. Be cooperative by following the entire series of investigations and completing reporting procedures completely.

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