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2 April 2024 04:26

35 Examples of suggestions for schools, help improve the progress of educational facilities

Education must also be integrated with technology, so that existing facilities can be optimized properly. Brilio.net
35 Examples of suggestions for schools, help improve the progress of educational facilities headline: pixabay.com

Brilio.net - The long journey towards educational progress makes school facilities one of the main keys. Realizing this, school residents from various circles embrace one goal, namely improving the quality of educational facilities. Starting from teachers who educate with dedication, students who are enthusiastic about gaining knowledge, to parents who provide endless support, all parties come together to create a better learning environment.

In many schools, infrastructure challenges are something that cannot be ignored. Buildings that are old and inadequate, minimal learning support facilities, and limited sports and arts facilities are problems that must be addressed immediately. In dealing with this situation, the creativity and concern of the school community is the main key. Various initiatives began to emerge, ranging from fundraising to volunteer activities to repair and improve existing facilities.

However, the challenges do not only end with physical improvement efforts alone. Education must also be integrated with technology, so that existing facilities can be optimized to support digital-based learning. Support from the government and related parties is also highly expected to speed up the process of improving educational facilities.

In facing various obstacles, the spirit to achieve progress never goes out. Every small step taken by the school community, from the simplest to the most complex, is part of a long journey towards better education. Together, they are confident that these efforts will produce positive results, creating an inspiring learning environment and supporting the optimal development of each individual.

Below, brilio.net provides examples of suggestions for schools as your reference which have been summarized from various sources, Monday (1/4).

photo: pixabay.com

Suggestions for schools regarding educational support facilities in schools

1. Uncomfortable learning environment.

Criticism: Some classrooms feel uncomfortable, especially in terms of lighting and ventilation.
Suggestion: Improve classroom lighting and ventilation to improve student comfort and their learning performance.

2. Lack of sports facilities.

Criticism: Lack of adequate sports facilities can limit students from developing physical and health skills.
Suggestion: Build or upgrade sports facilities such as soccer, basketball, or volleyball fields to provide better opportunities for students to play sports.

3. Lack of open space.

Criticism: The lack of open space or parks creates the impression of limited space for students to play and relax.
Suggestion: Provide a comfortable open space or garden for students to play and relax between classes.

4. The condition of the toilet is not clean.

Criticism: Unsanitary toilet conditions can reduce student comfort and health.
Suggestion: Improve toilet cleanliness and maintenance regularly to ensure that it remains clean and comfortable to use.

5. Lack of library space.

Criticism: Libraries that are too small or poorly maintained can reduce students' interest in reading and research.
Suggestion: Expand or update the library with a more varied and comfortable book collection to increase students' interest in reading.

6. Lack of laboratory facilities.

Criticism: Inadequate laboratory facilities can hinder practical learning experiences for students.
Suggestion: Update laboratory facilities with more modern equipment and space to support students' practical learning.

7. Lack of accessibility for people with disabilities.

Criticism: Lack of accessibility for students with disabilities may limit their participation in school activities.
Suggestion: Make sure all school facilities are easily accessible to students with disabilities, including appropriate ramps, lifts and toilets.

8. Lack of technological facilities.

Criticism: Lack of technological facilities such as computers and internet access can hinder students' learning progress in the current digital era.
Suggestion: Provide adequate technological facilities such as computers and fast internet access to support students' digital learning.

9. Lack of special space for counseling.

Criticism: The lack of a dedicated space for counseling may prevent students from getting emotional and academic help.
Suggestion: Provide a special, comfortable and separate room for counseling so that students feel more comfortable in consulting with a counselor.

10. Lack of space for extracurricular activities.

Criticism: Lack of space for extracurricular activities can hinder the development of students' talents outside of academics.
Suggestion: Provide a special room or facilities that support extracurricular activities such as art, music or sports.

11. Lack of space for rest.

Criticism: Lack of comfortable break rooms can reduce students' opportunities to relax and de-stress.
Suggestion: Provide a comfortable and clean break room for students to rest between lessons.

12. Lack of security facilities.

Criticism: Lack of security facilities such as fences and surveillance cameras can increase the risk of crime in schools.
Suggestion: Improve security facilities such as sturdy fences, surveillance cameras, and other security systems to protect students and school facilities.

13. Lack of parking facilities.

Criticism: Lack of adequate parking facilities can make it difficult for students, teachers and staff to park their vehicles.
Suggestion: Build or expand parking facilities to make it easier for students, teachers and staff to park their vehicles.

14. Lack of health support facilities.

Criticism: Lack of health support facilities such as health rooms or first aid posts can hinder emergency response in schools.
Suggestion: Provide adequate health support facilities such as a health room or first aid post for emergency treatment.

15. Lack of comfortable dining space.

Criticism: The lack of a comfortable dining room can reduce students' comfort in eating lunch.
Suggestion: Improve or update the dining room with comfortable and clean facilities to enhance the student lunch experience.

16. Lack of waste management facilities.

Criticism: Lack of waste management facilities can create a dirty and unhealthy school environment.
Suggestion: Provide adequate waste management facilities such as rubbish bins and waste processing to keep the school environment clean.

17. Lack of water treatment facilities.

Criticism: Lack of water treatment facilities may hinder students' and staff's access to safe, clean water.
Recommendation: Install or upgrade water treatment facilities to ensure adequate access to safe, clean water in schools.

18. Lack of hygiene facilities.

Criticism: Lack of hygiene facilities such as adequate toilets and sinks can cause the spread of disease.
Suggestion: Improve hygiene facilities such as toilets and sinks with regular maintenance and cleaning to maintain the health of students and staff.

19. Lack of communication facilities.

Criticism: Lack of communication facilities such as notice boards or information systems can hinder the flow of information in schools.
Suggestion: Provide adequate communication facilities such as notice boards or information systems to facilitate the flow of information in schools.

20. Lack of transportation facilities.

Criticism: Lack of transportation facilities such as school bus stops or bicycle parking can make it difficult for students to reach school.
Suggestion: Provide transportation facilities such as school bus stops or bicycle parking to make it easier for students to reach school.

photo: pixabay.com

Suggestions for schools about student activities

21. Lack of variety of extracurricular activities.

Criticism: The lack of variety in extracurricular activities can reduce students' interest in participating.
Suggestion: Offer a variety of extracurricular activities such as arts, sports, and clubs that suit students' interests.

22. Limited time for extracurricular activities.

Criticism: Limited time for extracurricular activities can limit student participation.
Suggestion: Adjust the extracurricular activity schedule to make it more flexible and accessible to all students.

23. Lack of recognition for non-academic achievements.

Criticism: Lack of recognition for non-academic achievements can reduce student motivation in extracurricular activities.
Suggestion: Give more awards or recognition for non-academic achievements such as success in sports or the arts.

24. Limited funds for student activities.

Criticism: Limited funds can hinder the implementation of student activities that require additional costs.
Suggestion: Apply for additional funds or find sponsors to support student activities that require additional costs.

25. Lack of student involvement in decision making.

Criticism: Lack of student involvement in decision making can reduce their sense of ownership of school activities.
Suggestion: Involve students in decision making regarding school activities through forums or student representatives.

26. Lack of mental health activities.

Criticism: Lack of activities that support students' mental health can reduce their mental well-being.
Suggestion: Provide programs or activities that support students' mental health such as counseling or mental health clubs.

27. Lack of career activities and self-development.

Criticism: Lack of activities that support career development and self-development can reduce students' preparation for the future.
Suggestion: Provide activities that support student career development and self-development such as career seminars or skills training.

28. Lack of leadership activities.

Criticism: Lack of activities that develop leadership skills can hinder students' leadership growth.
Suggestion: Provide opportunities for students to take part in activities that develop leadership skills such as class leadership or student organizations.

29. Lack of togetherness activities.

Criticism: The lack of activities that strengthen relationships between students can reduce the sense of community at school.
Suggestion: Provide activities that strengthen relationships between students such as social events or collaborative projects.

30. Lack of creative activity.

Criticism: Lack of activities that develop creativity can hinder the development of students' talents in the arts or technology.
Suggestion: Provide activities that develop student creativity such as art or technology workshops.

31. Lack of social activities.

Criticism: Lack of activities that strengthen social skills can reduce students' ability to interact with others.
Suggestion: Provide activities that strengthen students' social skills such as team games or social projects.

32. Lack of physical health activities.

Criticism: Lack of activities that support physical health can reduce student fitness and health.
Suggestion: Provide activities that support physical health such as sports programs or outdoor activities.

33. Lack of environmental activities.

Criticism: Lack of activities that support environmental awareness can reduce students' awareness of environmental problems.
Suggestion: Provide activities that support environmental awareness such as recycling programs or tree planting.

34. Lack of entrepreneurial activity.

Criticism: Lack of activities that develop entrepreneurial skills can reduce students' ability to manage a business.
Suggestion: Provide activities that develop entrepreneurial skills such as entrepreneurship programs or business training.

35. Lack of religious activities.

Criticism: Lack of religious activities can reduce students' opportunities to develop their religious values.
Suggestion: Provide religious activities that are in accordance with students' religious values, such as religious lectures or group prayer activities.

Intern: Robiul Adil Robani

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