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18 September 2024 01:04

3 Types of marriage that are prohibited by Islam, you must know!

Marriage is a noble and highly recommended act of worship in Islam. Annisa Endriyati Utami

Brilio.net - Marriage is a noble worship and is highly recommended in Islam. However, there are several types of marriages that are prohibited by Islam because they violate sharia. Understanding marriages that are prohibited by Islam is important so that Muslims do not get caught up in practices that are contrary to the teachings of the Qur'an and Sunnah. Here are three types of marriages that are prohibited by Islam and the reasons why.

  1. Mut'ah Marriage

Mut'ah marriage is a temporary marriage that is carried out for a certain period of time. In this marriage, the couple agrees to marry for an agreed period of time, after which the marriage automatically ends without divorce. Mut'ah marriage is prohibited by Islam because it is considered to damage the purpose of marriage itself, which is to form a family that is sakinah, mawaddah, and rahmah. This marriage, which is prohibited by Islam, was once permitted in the early days of Islam, but was later forbidden by the Prophet Muhammad SAW after the command of Allah SWT was given.

  1. Shighar's Marriage

Shighar marriage is a form of marriage in which a guardian marries his daughter to another man on the condition that the man must marry his daughter to the guardian without a dowry. In this marriage, which is prohibited by Islam, there is no dowry given to the woman, which is actually an absolute right in every marriage. Islam forbids sighar marriage because it does not provide proper rights and respect to women. In addition, this marriage is considered a form of barter that degrades the dignity of women.

  1. Muhallil's Wedding

Muhallil marriage is a marriage that is carried out with the sole purpose of legalizing a woman's remarriage to her ex-husband. In this case, a woman who has been divorced three times by her husband may not return to her husband unless she marries another man, then divorces naturally. However, there is a practice where another man deliberately marries the woman with the intention of divorcing her as soon as possible so that she can return to her ex-husband. Muhallil marriage is a marriage that is prohibited by Islam because it is contrary to the principles of honesty and sincerity in marriage.

Why should marriages that are prohibited by Islam be avoided?

Every marriage that is prohibited by Islam has a clear reason behind its prohibition. The main purpose of marriage in Islam is to create a harmonious family based on love. Marriages that are prohibited by Islam such as mut'ah, sighar, and muhallil, actually damage the sacred meaning of marriage itself. This not only endangers the relationship between husband and wife, but can also have a negative impact on children who may be born from the marriage.

Understanding the types of marriages that are prohibited by Islam is very important for every Muslim to be able to live their lives according to the teachings of their religion. Mut'ah, sighar, and muhallil marriages are examples of marriages that are prohibited by Islam because they violate the principles of justice, honesty, and the noble purpose of marriage. By avoiding these types of marriages, you can maintain the sanctity of your household relationship and follow the path that is approved by Allah SWT.

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