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10 September 2024 07:45

3 Healthy lifestyle patterns to maintain a healthy excretory system

The excretory system is an important system in the body that functions to remove waste substances and toxins resulting from metabolism. Annisa Endriyati Utami

Brilio.net - The excretory system is an important system in the body that functions to remove waste and toxins from metabolism. Organs such as the kidneys, liver, skin, and lungs play a role in this process. The health of the excretory system is very important to ensure that our bodies remain healthy and free from toxins. In this article, we will discuss three types of lifestyles that can help maintain optimal excretory system health.

1. Sufficient water drinking pattern

Drinking enough water is one of the main keys to maintaining a healthy excretory system, especially the kidneys. Water helps the process of filtering blood and removing waste in the form of urine. When the body gets enough water intake, the kidneys can work well to remove toxins and waste from the body. Conversely, if the body lacks fluids, the kidneys will have difficulty filtering blood and increase the risk of kidney stones and urinary tract infections.

To maintain a healthy excretory system, it is recommended to drink at least 8 glasses of water every day or according to the body's needs. If you do heavy physical activity or are in a hot environment, water intake needs to be increased. In addition, you can also consume fruits and vegetables that are rich in water, such as watermelon, cucumber, and orange. This pattern of drinking enough water not only supports kidney health, but also helps the function of other excretory organs such as the liver and skin.

2. Healthy and balanced diet

Implementing a healthy and balanced diet is very important to maintain the health of the excretory system. Consuming foods rich in fiber, such as fruits, vegetables, grains, and nuts, can help the body in the digestive process and prevent constipation. With a balanced diet, the intestines will work more effectively in absorbing nutrients and excreting waste smoothly.

In addition, it is important to reduce the intake of salt, sugar, and foods containing preservatives or artificial colors, because these substances can burden the kidneys and liver. Avoiding excessive consumption of animal protein, such as red meat, can also help maintain the health of the excretory system, because the breakdown of protein in the body produces uric acid that must be excreted by the kidneys. Consuming healthy foods such as fish, tofu, and tempeh as sources of vegetable protein can be a good alternative to maintain balance in the daily diet.

3. Regular physical activity

Regular physical activity is another effective lifestyle to maintain a healthy excretory system. Exercise helps smooth blood flow and improves the function of body organs, including excretory organs such as the kidneys and skin. When you exercise, your body will sweat, and this helps the detoxification process through the skin. Sweat carries waste and toxins out of the body, which also helps lighten the workload of the kidneys.

Types of physical activity that can help maintain the health of the excretory system include walking, running, cycling, swimming, or yoga. Doing light exercise such as walking for 30 minutes every day is enough to improve the function of the excretory organs. In addition, physical activity also helps control weight and prevent diseases such as diabetes and hypertension, which can damage kidney function if not properly controlled.

Maintaining a healthy excretory system is an important part of maintaining overall body health. Hopefully, this article provides inspiration and practical guidance for maintaining your excretory system health! Start implementing this healthy lifestyle now, and feel the benefits in the long run.

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