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22 Desember 2015 13:30

20 Puns of famous brands that will make you burst out laughing

That’s why the company should create a good and unique logo so that the customers feel attracted to buy their products. Tony Febryanto

Brilio.net/en - Branding is an important aspect of any business as it is the way the customers perceive the product. Thats why the company should create a good and unique logo so that the customers feel attracted to buy their products.

Unfortunately, the impression given by the users or customers sometimes are not in line with the meaning of logos. As summarized by brilio.net/en from various sources, Tuesday, (15/12), here are 20 puns of famous brands that will make you burst out laughing.

1. Asking for updates all the time

2. Just buy it!

3. Moving forward (unintentionally)

4. The power of Photoshop

5. Watch the videos, dont read the comments!

6. Is it true?

7. Thanks, Wikipedia

8. Adding more blades

9. Here for you during that midlife crisis

10. Read the Terms and Conditions!

11. Really?

12. Is it true or not?

13. Connect with people for no reason at all

14. Mask bad photos with filters

15. What are the reasons?

16. Just try using another search engine

17. The number 1 browser for downloading other browsers

18. Because you only have $4

19. Serve you decaf if youre rude

20. A great way to ruin friendships

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