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29 Februari 2024 15:45

20 Examples of interesting and unique popular words from the 90s, some of which sound strange but are still slang

The 90s generation must be nostalgic when they see this popular word Dinar Nur Zaky Achmad
20 Examples of interesting and unique popular words from the 90s, some of which sound strange but are still slang foto: freepik.com

Brilio.net - Every era definitely has its own language style and vocabulary, depending on what is trending that year so that it becomes a popular word. If we look at today, the language styles and vocabulary of Generation Z children are very diverse, even mixing more than one language or being bilingual.

Popular words refer to words that are often spoken or used to convey a condition, such as popular words for children in the 90s which have interesting and unique vocabulary. This is because the popular words used do not describe the meaning behind them, such as doku which means money or money, spokat which means shoes, and kemek which means to eat.

There are some things that sound strange to hear but are still cool and slang when they are said. These popular words for 90s kids were always used when hanging out and chatting with each other when playing together, so even though it was strange to hear, they understood what it meant.

When we hear popular words from children from the 90s today, we may take a moment to think about what it means or even gape at the term being said. Even though it's not the 90s now, you need to know popular words for 90s kids to increase your vocabulary, at least not get confused when you hear these popular words.

These lifestyles, trends, habits will continue to repeat themselves, so no one knows if one day this popular word from the 90s will be used again. This time brilio.net wants to help you find out popular words from 90s kids that you can use when chatting with relatives or friends.

Here are 15 examples of interesting and unique popular words from the 90s , some of which sound strange but are still slang, which brilio.net has collected from various sources, Thursday (29/2).

1. Rebek

photo: freepik.com

The word rebek is a term for "bother", usually this word is used by 90s kids to show or describe the atmosphere.

Example: Oh, this kid is really upset when he wants to go

2. Kongkow

If kids in the 90s wanted to hang out, they would definitely use the term kongkow to invite their friends.

Example: This afternoon hanging out at the usual place with the kids

3. Jayus

It is uttered or said when someone is trying to make a joke but it turns out that the joke that comes out is not funny at all.

Example: This kid is really clever, it's better to try another joke

4. Rockum

Rokum is a term for a house or residence used by children in the 90s.

Example: Tonight, don't forget to play at my rock house, okay?

5. Sgt

Usually used to describe a serious but relaxed atmosphere, two words combined into one.

Example: It's just a meeting with the sergeants, it doesn't take long

6. Bokin

photo: freepik.com

Children in the 90s did not use the word boyfriend to refer to their partners, but used the term bokin.

Example: I'll be there in a moment, I'll pick up Bokin first at Rokum

7. Bokis

Bokis is a term used to replace the word lie among children in the 90s.

Example: No need to be rude, just be honest with me

8. Ogut

Ogut was used by children in the 90s to replace the words I, me, or me.

Example: Ogut wants to play with bokin first

9. Yongkru

Yongkru is used to replace the word yes or to confirm something.

Example: Yongkru, then just go straight to your rokum

10. Tengsin

Tensin was said or conveyed when a child in the 90s felt embarrassed by an incident that had happened to him or something he had done.

Example: I'm really angry, I just got caught cheating on me

11. Bonyk

photo: freepik.com

Bonyok is used to refer to father and mother or is an abbreviation of father and mother.

Example: Tonight we're going to Rokum, we're going out of town again

12. Wakuncar

Wakuncar is a term or abbreviation for visiting girlfriends used by children in the 90s.

Example: Tomorrow evening, Saturday night finally arrives

13. SGM

SGM here is not a dairy product but rather a term for a slanted crazy person, usually used for people who are funny and silly.

Example: Yusril really is SGM

14. Prokem

Prokem among children in the 90s was a term for thugs.

Example: Watch out, be careful, then you'll meet the prokem and you'll know what it feels like!

15. Cembokur

This word was used by children in the 90s to replace the word jealous.

Example: That's crazy, he's made me really jealous

16. Hebring

photo: freepik.com

Hebring refers to an excited term that describes the atmosphere and situation.

Example: The party was really great last night

17. Gatot

This word is used by children of the 90s to mean complete failure.

Example: I'm afraid to get him!

18. EGP

EGP is an abbreviation for really I think, usually used to show annoyance or indifference.

Example: EGP, take care of everything yourself

19. Ignorant duck

Ignorant duck is used to describe a condition or situation of not being responded to or receiving a response.

Example: Damn, I'm really stupid today

20. Bigos

Bigos is a term used by 90s kids for gossips.

Example: Rani is really a big boss

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