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6 September 2024 23:17

130 examples of standard and non-standard words and their definitions

One important aspect in language use is the difference between standard and non-standard words. Annisa Endriyati Utami

Brilio.net - In communicating, both verbally and in writing, the use of appropriate language is very important. Indonesian, as the national language, has certain rules that must be followed so that the message conveyed can be understood correctly and effectively by the reader.

One important aspect of language use is the difference between standard and non-standard words. Understanding this difference not only helps in improving language skills, but also strengthens overall communication skills.

Standard words are words that have been regulated in an official dictionary, such as the Great Dictionary of the Indonesian Language (KBBI). These words follow the applicable grammar and spelling rules. The use of standard words is usually found in formal situations, such as in scientific writing, official reports, and other professional communications. Standard words are identified by several characteristics, such as being in accordance with the rules of PUEBI (General Guidelines for Indonesian Spelling) and being registered in the KBBI.

On the other hand, non-standard words are word forms that are often used in everyday conversation and informal contexts. These words can arise due to errors in pronunciation, writing, or the influence of regional languages and foreign languages. Non-standard words may be easier to understand in the context of everyday conversation, but their use should be avoided in formal contexts to avoid misunderstandings.

The following are 130 examples of standard and non-standard words that can help you understand the differences between the two more clearly.

1. Queue - Queue
2. Pharmacy - Pharmacy
3. Risks - Risks
4. Activities - Activities
5. Athletes - Athletes
6. Fun - Fun
7. Bus - Bus
8. Souvenirs - Souvenirs
9. February - February
10. Photocopy - Photocopy
11. Formal - Formal
12. Nutrition - Nutrition
13. Memorize - Memorize
14. Hypothesis - Hypothesis
15. Diplomas - Diplomas
16. Schedule - Schedule
17. Charisma - Charisma
18. Compatibility - Harmony
19. Consumption - Consumptive
20. Creativity - Creativity
21. Influence - Influence
22. Billion - Billion
23. Lust - Lust
24. Breath - Nefas
25. Objects - Objects
26. Optimistic - Optimistic
27. Passport - Passport
28. Spicy - Spicy
29. France - France
30. Practice - Practice
31. Provinces - Provinces
32. Neat - Neat
33. Risks - Risks
34. Valid - Valid
35. Salat - Prayer
36. Nerves - Nerves
37. September - September
38. Systems - Systems
39. Theoretical - Theoretical
40. Skilled - Skilled
41. End - End
42. Analysis - Analysis
43. Ballpoint Pen - Ballpoint Pen
44. Budget - Budget
45. Details - Details
46. Extreme - Extreme
47. Dawn - Dawn
48. Favorite - Favorite
49. Rehearsal - Rehearsal
50. Permissions - Permissions
51. Equator - Equator
52. Special - Special
53. Receipt - Receipt
54. Moist - Moist
55. Sorry - Ma'af
56. Brands - Brands
57. Rented out - rented out
58. Methods - Methods
59. Advice - Advice
60. Numbers - Numbers
61. Heroes - Palawan
62. Knowledge - Knowledge
63. Collection - Collection
64. Settlements - Settlements
65. Library - Library
66. Productive - Productivetip
67. Reception - Raspsi
68. Friends - Buddy
69. Secretary - Secretary
70. Perfect - Perfect
71. Sensor - Sensor
72. Please - Please
73. Stress - Stress
74. Silk - Silk
75. Systemic - Systematic
76. Taxi - Taxi
77. Role Model - Role Model
78. Peaceful - Peaceful
79. Skilled - Skilled
80. Tradition - Traditional
81. Transactions - Transactions
82. Trophies - Trophies
83. University - Universiteit
84. Debts - Debts
85. Valid - Valid
86. Version - Phercy
87. Vision - Vishy
88. Whiskey - Whiskey
89. Justice - Justice
90. Dhuhr - Dhuhr
91. Drunk - Drunk
92. Concrete - Concrete
93. Blockade - Block
94. Clothing - Bored
95. Chocolate - Chocolate
96. Effective - Effective
97. Institute - Institute
98. Journal - Journy
99. Complete - Complete
100. Laboratory - Laboratory
101. Madrasah - Madrash
102. Manager - Manager
103. Creatures - Creatures
104. Medicine - Medicine
105. Diseases - Diseases
106. Secret - Rakhasiya
107. Relationship
108. Satellite - Satellite
109. Circulation - Circulation
110. Stadium - Stadium
111. Superintendent - Superintendent
112. Technique - Technic
113. Telephone - Telephone
114. Turbulence - Turbulence
115. Variable - Varialbei
116. Time - Wakty
117. Xylem - Zylem
118. Namely - Namely
119. Age - Jamman
120. Analgesic - Angiskti
121. Absorption - Absorption
122. Biopsy - Biops
123. Drivers
124. Dejus - Dekus
125. Electrode - Electrode
126. Formalin - Formelin
127. Glycoside - Glychocide
128. Herbivore - Herbidore
129. Insidious - Insidious
130. Justification - Justificassie

Please note that using formal words is important in formal contexts to ensure clear and effective communication. However, in informal contexts or everyday conversations, using non-standard words is more acceptable.

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