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7 April 2016 17:59

11 Photos of celebrities that got caught by Indonesian police

Have you ever imagined that international celebrities such as Rihanna, Paris Hilton, even Pamela Anderson could get caught by police? Victoria Tunggono
11 Photos of celebrities that got caught by Indonesian police

Brilio.net/en - Have you ever imagined that international celebrities such as Rihanna, Paris Hilton, even Pamela Anderson could get caught by police?

To make your daydreams have become real, thanks to Agan Harahap from Indonesian who created some of the scenes of celebrities getting netted in Indonesian police raids with the most sophisticated Photoshop editing skills. They are so close to reality that international media such as wired.com even got interested in posting them.

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Here is our latest most wanted list:

1. Miley Cyrus was caught in a raid after clubbing.

25 Photos falsely edited in ad & magazines, Obama was also a victim!

2. Can I have my shirt, Sir? is probably what Justin Bieber would say.

3. What have you been drinking, Ri?

4. Kim Kardashian can still act elegantly, of course.

5. Naughty chef Ramsay used sachets of MSG!

6. Tyson would swear to God he didnt do it.

7. Nicki Minajs crime would be mixing magenta on her green hair.

8. Pamela would make the dressing up really slow with audiences here.

9. Salma Hayek doesnt seem to like the incident.

10. Another snapshot of Rihanna getting taken in.

11. Angie swallows her pride and pleads guilty.

Original article by Angga Roni Priambodo

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