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7 Februari 2024 04:25

11 Hilarious portraits of gentlemen playing this game make those who see them sigh, the definition of refusing to grow old

I need entertainment so it's like this~ Muhammad Rizki Yusrial
11 Hilarious portraits of gentlemen playing this game make those who see them sigh, the definition of refusing to grow old

Brilio.net - Actually, it's okay for anyone to entertain themselves when they're tired. Be it because of work matters, family problems and so on. This can improve your mental state so that you are ready to continue the next day with joy. Because, being tired for too long makes people unable to enjoy life.

This also applies to fathers. In the midst of his responsibilities in taking care of his family, it is important to maintain his sanity by seeking entertainment. Of course, not all gentlemen have the same taste in entertainment, some choose to hang out, drink coffee, play cards or pursue other hobbies. As long as it is positive, it must be supported for the father's mental health.

However, it turns out that men have chosen a path that seems off the beaten track, namely playing games like young people. It's not a negative activity, but the act of rejecting old age still seems odd and not age appropriate. Especially when playing games is accompanied by strange behavior .

Like the following collection of hilarious portraits compiled by brilio.net from various sources on Wednesday (7/2).

1. Law enforcers also need entertainment, you know.

photo: Twitter/@Anwarghzl

2. There should be a legislative candidate who promises to prepare 1 village and 1 PS rental for these gentlemen.

foto : 1cak.com

3. His style is ready to enter the field, but it turns out he only plays digital.

photo: Twitter/ @FandomID

4. I really focus on playing the game until I get fed up with it.

photo: Instagram/@humorsantuy

5. It's really fun being a father, isn't it?

photo: Instagram/@awreceh

6. He must be good at it, because he's already a senior.

photo: Instagram/@awreceh

7. The PC is good, but if you're just playing cards, it's better to use your cell phone, sir. net.akamaized.net/real/2024/02/06/2205419/bapak-main-game-nyeleneh.jpg" />

photo: Instagram/@sukijan.id

8. P mabar! Does anyone want to play with this guy?

photo: Instagram/@sukijan.id

9. There will be time to play together. Now his little brother just watches it first.

photo: Facebook/@Funny Dads

10. Sir, the passengers will be taken first!

photo: Instagram/@id.dagelan

11. Weird but okay.

photo: Instagram/@wkwkland_real

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