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12 Maret 2024 11:40

100 Socrates quotes about life, inspiring and full of meaning

One of the philosophers who never wrote during his life, but his thoughts are remembered to this day. Niko Sulpriyono

Brilio.net - Socrates was an ancient Greek philosopher . He lived around the 5th century BC in Athens and became a central figure in the history of Western philosophy. Although Socrates never wrote his own work, his thoughts were immortalized through the writings of his students, especially Plato.

Socrates is known for his method which is called the "dialectical method" or dialogue method. In his dialogue, Socrates uses sharp questions and logic to guide his interlocutor to achieve a deeper understanding of a concept.

Socrates emphasized the importance of honesty, justice, and wisdom in life. One of his famous quotes is "A life unexamined is a meaningless life," reflecting the value of reflection and introspection in the search for meaning in life.

Even though Socrates' thoughts seem abstract, their impact on philosophy and human thinking is enormous. The dialectical method used by him influenced many philosophers after him.

The ethical principles he espoused are also still relevant in modern policy and morality discussions. Socrates was a pioneer in forming the foundations of Western thought and philosophy. His wisdom continues to be appreciated and studied today.

There are so many words or quotes issued by Socrates. You can read, understand and apply these quotes in your daily life. That way, you can learn to interpret life better.

Reported by brilio.net from various sources on Tuesday (12/3), 100 Socrates quotes about life are inspiring and full of meaning.

Socrates Quotes about life.

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1. "Education is the light of the fire; everything else just listens."

2. "The only true knowledge is knowing that you know nothing."

3. "Be smart by admitting your stupidity."

4. "Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom."

5. "An unexamined life is not a life worth living."

6. "I know that I am stupid, so that I am wiser than others."

7. "Wise people talk because they have something to say; fools talk because they have something to say."

8. "Only wise people know that they know nothing."

9. "Difficult choices require courage, not stupidity."

10. "One who does not value life before death, lives in vain."

11. "When the mind is ruler, it becomes king in the kingdom of the body."

12. "We do not live to eat, but we eat to live."

13. "Managing money is not a sign of stinginess, but of wisdom."

14. "Evil is the result of man's inability to make friends by failure, failure to learn from experience."

15. "Knowledge is the key to freedom."

16. "Whatever can make you laugh is good, whatever can make you learn is happy."

17. "The gravest injustice is undermining justice."

18. "Education is lighting a fire, not filling a bottle."

19. "What we know is a rock, what we don't know is a wide world."

20. "A wise man seeks wisdom; a fool is sure to find it."

Socrates Quotes about life and serenity.

photo: freepik.com

21. "My greatest treasure is calm and solitude."

22. "It is better to sacrifice one's life than to live a life without principles."

23. "Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that make us lose our breath."

24. "We are all craftsmen of what we think."

25. "When our minds become glasses, everything looks like an opportunity."

26. "A life neglected is not worth living."

27. "Being wise means knowing what to ignore."

28. "There is no honorable work, except that which brings forth goodness in this world."

29. "Life is only valuable if it is used for the good of others."

30. "Education is the best inheritance that can be given to a person."

31. "Love is madness revealed."

32. "Smart is not the one who talks a lot, but the one who knows when to be quiet."

33. "A good life is a life spent making this world a better place."

34. "We cannot solve problems using the same thinking that we created them."

35. "Foolish is the person who does not know how to be a true friend."

36. "The greatest is folly to consider ourselves wise without reflection."

37. "Do not measure a person by how much he has, but by how well he gives to others."

38. "Life should not be measured by the number of breaths taken, but by the moments that make us lose our breath."

39. "Body beauty passes through time, but inner beauty will last forever."

40. "If you want a happy life, distance yourself from unfulfilled desires."

Socrates Quotes about life and wisdom.

photo: freepik.com

41. "Education is the key to opening the golden door to the future."

42. "The saddest of all losses is the loss of time."

43. Lower talk does not prove wisdom, silence does wise action.

44. "Kindness is a language that the deaf can hear and the blind can see."

45. "Education is the most powerful weapon we can use to change the world."

46. "Respecting parents is the best action we can take to connect the past, present and future."

47. "Courage is knowing what to worry about."

48. "A wise person makes decisions with his head, heart, and hands."

49. "A fool is one who ignores the truth because he prefers to listen to lies that comfort his heart."

50. "Can we really say that we know something without understanding the whole?"

51. "The only true wealth is the wealth of the soul."

52. "No one is stupid, but those who allow themselves to be sucked into stupidity."

53. "Happiness is when what you say, what you think, and what you do are in line with each other."

54. "Wise is the one who can find happiness in the stupidity of others."

55. "Life is a dream, and love is a dream awakened."

56. "Know yourself, then accept it and change it."

57. "Don't blame others if your happiness depends on other people's behavior."

58. "Wise people do not allow pleasant words to spoil their character."

59. "We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an action, but a habit."

60. "There is no good in delaying good."

Socrates Quotes about life and times.

photo: freepik.com

61. "Respect for time is a sign of true wisdom."

62. "When we talk, we only repeat what we already know. But, if we listen, we can learn something new."

63. "Love is a state that makes humans better, no matter how bad the situation was before."

64. "It is better to be a wise loser than a stupid winner."

65. "Life is short, art is long."

66. "A wise person values guidance more than praise."

67. "Love is the art of choosing freely what we have already chosen."

68. "Leaving something good for children is the kindest honorable act."

69. "A wise person considers his actions, while a fool only follows his desires."

70. "When we cannot find peace within ourselves, it is difficult to find it elsewhere."

71. "A person who is too full of himself to know that he is stupid, is indeed stupid."

72. "Self-confidence comes from true wisdom."

73. "Education is a gift that is never lost, most of the time, it is our testament to ourselves and to the world."

74. "No matter how busy we are with work and other preoccupations, we must always care for our souls."

75. "When we talk about life, we must understand that it is not a matter of time, but a matter of time management."

76. "Life doesn't stop when we run out of money, but when we run out of time."

77. "Courage is going against what we know, to expand our understanding."

78. "When we judge the actions of others, we should not only look at what they did, but why they did it."

79. "When we decide to love, we must be prepared to give and receive everything."

80. "A life full of freedom is a life that is cherished."

Socrates Quotes about life and courage.

photo: freepik.com

81. "True courage is facing reality, even if it is bitter."

82. "True wisdom is realizing that we actually know nothing."

83. "Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the ability to overcome fear itself."

84. "A life unexamined is a meaningless life."

85. "Only true wisdom admits ignorance."

86. "Uncertainty is the gateway to deeper knowledge."

87. "The truth is that life is seeking understanding, both about ourselves and the universe."

88. "Knowing yourself is the key to understanding the world."

89. "The search for truth is a never-ending task."

90. "Life is a never-ending learning process."

91. "Thinking for yourself is a sign of intellectual maturity."

92. "Living with truth is true life."

93. "Uncertainty is a faithful companion on the journey of life."

94. "True courage is accepting reality as it is."

95. "Searching for truth is seeking the true meaning of life."

96. "Acknowledging uncertainty is the first step to true wisdom."

97. "A life lived without purpose is a life wasted."

98. "Uncertainty is the most profound wellspring of life."

99. "Uncertainty is part of true courage."

100. "True courage is facing oneself honestly."

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