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28 Februari 2024 14:26

100 cool words of encouragement during the month of Ramadan, suitable for motivation for fasting and worship

These cool words of encouragement during the month of Ramadan help maintain your faith and intention in worship when fasting Ramadan Dinar Nur Zaky Achmad
100 cool words of encouragement during the month of Ramadan, suitable for motivation for fasting and worship foto: freepik.com

Brilio.net - Fasting during the month of Ramadan is an obligation for every Muslim. The month of Ramadan is one of the months that is eagerly awaited every year. However, even though they are used to fasting for a whole month every year, there are quite a few who need cool words of encouragement to motivate them to fast and worship.

You can make cool words of encouragement during the month of Ramadan to motivate yourself or those closest to you to increase your worship and istiqomah during the month of Ramadan. Usually cool words of encouragement are used by the current generation to remind each other on social media or in person.

So quite a few are looking for cool words of encouragement during the month of Ramadan to use as Instagram captions or short messages to send to someone who doesn't feel enthusiastic about fasting.

Even though they are just words of encouragement, it turns out that these cool words of encouragement during the month of Ramadan have a big enough influence to help maintain your faith and intention in worshiping during the Ramadan fast. As summarized by brilio.net from various sources, here are 100 cool words of encouragement during the month of Ramadan, suitable for motivation for fasting and worship, Wednesday (28/2).

Cool words of encouragement for the month of Ramadan for motivation to fast

photo: freepik.com

1. "Fasting is not only about preventing hunger, but strengthening the soul."

2. "The month of Ramadan, a time to cleanse the heart and mind."

3. "There is no day without blessings in the holy month of Ramadan."

4. "Every day of fasting, every second brings you closer to Him."

5. "Strengthen your heart, fulfill your fast with sincerity."

6. "Ramadan is a time to give thanks for all the blessings."

7. "Fasting is a struggle, but also an opportunity to grow."

8. "The holy month, a time to achieve the greater good."

9. "In the silence of the month of Ramadan, find peace of mind."

10. "Fasting opens doors of unexpected grace."

11. "It's time to find strength in weakness."

12. "Fasting is a lesson in patience and self-control."

13. "Grateful for every day of this glorious month."

14. "In the darkness of the night, the light of the Ramadan moon illuminates the heart."

15. "Fasting is a form of devotion to the Creator."

16. "Every meal, every break of the fast, is a step towards perfection."

17. "Make Ramadan the beginning of positive change."

18. "Bring goodness in every step you take in the holy month."

19. "In the solitude of sahur, find company with Him."

20. "Fasting is a time to improve yourself and do good."

21. "The month of Ramadan, a time for forgiveness and peace."

22. "There is no better opportunity to repent and improve."

23. "In thirst, find your spiritual strength."

24. "Fasting teaches us to be grateful for the blessings of life."

25. "With every breath, feel His miraculous presence."

Cool words of encouragement for the month of Ramadan full of meaning

photo: freepik.com

26. "In every second of Ramadan, eternal memories are engraved."

27. "Fasting is a spiritual journey towards self-perfection."

28. "The month of Ramadan, a time to rediscover your true self."

29. "In the silence of sahur, heart-shaking prayers are heard."

30. "The sacred month of Ramadan teaches us the meaning of sacrifice and compassion."

31. "Together we fast, building a strong ukhuwah."

32. "Behind the sweat of sahur, there is an incomparable blessing."

33. "There is nothing in vain in Ramadan worship, every charity has great value."

34. "Fasting teaches us to appreciate every blessing we are given."

35. "In a month full of forgiveness, let's increase our worship and kindness."

36. "Ramadan reminds us of the importance of sharing with others."

37. "Under the sky of Ramadan, we feel an indescribable closeness."

38. "Every day in the month of Ramadan is an opportunity to gain multiple rewards."

39. "At dawn, we welcome the dawn of blessings and new hope."

40. "Fasting is a form of love for the Creator that is priceless."

41. "The month of Ramadan, a time to strengthen relationships with Allah and each other."

42. "In the observance of fasting, there is freedom from the bondage of lust."

43. "Every day of fasting is a step towards better self-transformation."

44. "The month of Ramadan, a time to increase good deeds and alms."

45. "Between prostration and dhikr, we find true peace in the heart."

46. "Ramadan teaches us the true meaning of patience and steadfastness."

47. "In the midst of hunger and thirst, we feel an irreplaceable closeness."

48. "In every breath, there is a prayer spoken from a sincere heart."

49. "Fasting teaches us to control ourselves, not just hunger and thirst."

50. "The month of Ramadan, a time to discover the true meaning of life and blessings."

Cool words of encouragement for the month of Ramadan to worship with istiqomah

photo: freepik.com

51. "In every step of the month of Ramadan, remain steadfast in your istiqamah."

52. "Consistency is the key to success in carrying out worship in this holy month."

53. "The month of Ramadan teaches us the true meaning of sincerity and perseverance."

54. "In every prostration, find the strength to remain istiqamah in your worship."

55. "It's time to show strength of character through consistency in worship in this holy month."

56. "Make istiqamah your loyal friend in carrying out the Ramadan worship."

57. "In the midst of temptations and trials, istiqamah is an unshakable fortress."

58. "Fasting is not just about enduring hunger, but also maintaining istiqamah in your worship."

59. "With every breath, strengthen your determination to remain istiqamah in worship."

60. "The month of Ramadan, the time to carve a trail of istiqamah on your spiritual journey."

61. "Istiqamah is the key to success in achieving blessings in this holy month."

62. "Don't let fatigue defeat your istiqamah in carrying out the Ramadhan worship."

63. "In every day of Ramadan, maintain your istiqamah as time goes by."

64. "Consistency in worship brings infinite blessings in this glorious month."

65. "The month of Ramadan, a time to grow steadfastness and istiqamah in worship."

66. "Remain steadfast in istiqamah, even though obstacles come repeatedly in this glorious month."

67. "In every meal and breaking the fast, include prayers to strengthen istiqamah in worship."

68. "Istiqamah is a reflection of soul strength and determination in carrying out worship."

69. "The month of Ramadan, a time to strengthen your intentions and strengthen istiqamah in your worship."

70. "Remain istiqamah in carrying out your worship, because the rewards in the month of Ramadan are multiplied."

71. "Don't let yourself waver, remain istiqamah in your worship throughout the month of Ramadan."

72. "At every step in worship, prove the strength of your istiqamah in this glorious month."

73. "Strengthen your heart to maintain istiqamah in worship, even though the temptation feels so great."

74. "In every night of Ramadan, find peace of mind through istiqamah in worship."

75. "The month of Ramadan, a time to confirm commitment and strengthen istiqamah in worship."

Cool words of encouragement for the month of Ramadan full of warmth

photo: freepik.com

76. "Under the light of the month of Ramadan, bring warmth to your every worship."

77. "Make every moment in the month of Ramadan full of the warmth of love."

78. "The month of Ramadan teaches us the true meaning of the warmth of brotherhood."

79. "In the midst of busy worship, don't forget to bring warmth to your family and community."

80. "Together we live the month of Ramadan with sincere warmth of heart."

81. "With every breath you take in the month of Ramadan, feel the warmth of His love."

82. "The month of Ramadan, a time to strengthen relationships with others in the warmth of ukhuwah."

83. "Togetherness in the month of Ramadan brings warmth that touches the heart."

84. "In your worship, do not forget the warmth of prayer for the happiness of others."

85. "The month of Ramadan, invite your family and friends to feel the warmth of its spiritual atmosphere."

86. "Make every meal of sahur and breaking the fast an unforgettable moment of family warmth."

87. "In each of your prostration, include a prayer to spread warmth to those in need."

88. "Togetherness in worship brings warmth that strengthens our bond with Allah."

89. "The month of Ramadan, a time to spread the warmth of love and compassion to others."

90. "In each of your fasts, feel the warmth of His abundant grace."

91. "The month of Ramadan, the time to illuminate the world with the warmth of love and peace."

92. "Between prostration and dhikr, find the warmth of a close relationship with the Creator."

93. "In every prayer and worship, include warmth to strengthen your relationships with others."

94. "The month of Ramadan teaches us the importance of bringing warmth to the people around us."

95. "Togetherness in worship in the month of Ramadan brings warmth that unites hearts."

96. "The month of Ramadan, teaches us to appreciate the warmth of love from family and friends."

97. "In every tarawih, feel the warmth of the spiritual atmosphere that fills the heart."

98. "The month of Ramadan, a time to carry out worship with full warmth and sincerity."

99. "In the middle of the cold night, find warmth in your prayers and dhikr."

100. "The month of Ramadan, a time to carry out worship with the warmth of a sincere and loving heart."

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