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19 Maret 2024 22:45

10 Virtues of witr prayer in the month of Ramadan, prayer is answered

One of the advantages of the Witr prayer is being witnessed by an angel while doing it Dwiyana Pangesthi
10 Virtues of witr prayer in the month of Ramadan, prayer is answered Freepik.com

Brilio.net - In an effort to get closer to Allah SWT and increase worship in the holy month of Ramadan, witr prayer is one of the practices that is highly recommended because it has many good virtues if done.

The witr prayer has great importance, especially when performed in the month of Ramadan. In the hadith, from Ali Radhiyallahu 'anhu he said: "Witir is not obligatory like fardhu prayers. However, it is a sunnah established by the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam."

Witr prayer comes from Arabic which means "odd" or "odd number". The witr prayer is performed in an odd number of rak'ahs, usually one or three rak'ahs. However, the choice of rak'ah may vary according to the school of thought adhered to.

The Witr prayer is a sunnah prayer performed after the Isha prayer, whose time is extended until dawn. However, during the month of Ramadan, the witr prayer is usually performed after the tarawih prayer, for three rak'ahs. The witr prayer can be done all with one greeting, or it can be done with two rak'ahs and then a greeting, then the last one can be done with one rak'ah ending with a greeting.

The witr prayer is usually referred to as the closing prayer of the night. This is because this sunnah prayer can be performed after the evening prayer, then after the tarawih prayer, and before the morning prayer. This prayer is also usually performed after evening prayers.

The sunnah witir prayer has many advantages, especially when we perform it during the month of Ramadan. Brilio.net reported from various sources, Tuesday (19/3), these priorities are as follows.

The priority of witr prayer during the month of Ramadan

photo: unsplash.com

Witr prayer is a sunnah prayer that the Prophet never abandoned except once, then the Prophet made up for it after the morning prayer. The Prophet said in a hadith:

"There are three things that are fardhu for me and sunnah for you, namely witr (Witr prayer), siwak, and qiyamul lail." (HR. Bukhari and Muslim)

Sunah witr prayer has many advantages, especially when we perform it during the month of Ramadan. The priority is as follows.

1. Be an additional prayer.

During Ramadan, witr prayer is done after tarawih prayer. And in other months, witr prayer can be done after isha prayer or before dawn prayer, so this prayer is used as an additional prayer. As in a hadith, the Prophet said:

"Indeed, Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala has given you an additional prayer, namely the Witr prayer, so you should pray the Witr prayer between the time of the 'Isha' prayer and the dawn prayer." (HR. Ahmad)

2. As a perfecter of worship.

In addition to being known as an additional prayer, witr is also known as the end of the night prayer. Without the witr prayer, the night prayer or other qiyamul that a Muslim does will not be complete. As mentioned in the following hadith:

"Make the end of your prayers at night with witr prayer." (Muttafaqun 'alaihi).

3. Loved by God.

God loves odd things because God is one. Just like the witr prayer which has an odd number of rak'ahs. It is also known that witr prayer is an act of worship that God loves, so that when you perform it, you are one of the people He loves. In a hadith, the Prophet said:

"Indeed, Allah is strange and likes those who perform Witr prayer, so pray Witr, O scholars of the Qur'an."

4. Better than red camel.

In the hadith of Abu Dawud, the Prophet said:

"It was narrated to us [Abul Walid Ath Thayalisi] and [Qutaibah bin Sa'id] from [Kharijah bin Hudzafah], Abu Al Walid Al Adawi said: The Messenger of Allah, may God bless him and grant him peace, came out to meet us and said:

"Indeed, Allah has made obligatory for you a prayer that is better for you than a red camel, which is the witr prayer, and has made it between the Isha prayers until dawn." (HR Abu Dawud).

The meaning of the hadith is that if we perform witr prayer, then the worship we perform has a greater value than the value of a red camel, especially if it is performed before dawn prayer time.

5. Prayer must be done after witr prayer.

After performing the witr prayer, a Muslim is encouraged to pray because God will answer the prayers that he prays to God. As for the prayer that we can recite after the witr prayer, that is by reciting the tasbih.

"Subhaanal malikil qudduus (read 3x)"


"Glory be to You who reigns and is Holy from various shortcomings". (HR. Abu Daud)

It is also Sunnah to recite the following witr prayer during the witr prayer or after it.

"Allahumma inni a'udzu biridhaoka min sakhotika wa bi mu'afaatika min 'uqubatik, wa a'udzu bika minka laa uh-shi tsanaa-an 'alaik, anta kamaa atsnaita 'ala nafsik."


"O Allah, I seek refuge in You with Your pleasure from Your wrath. I seek refuge in You with Your forgiveness from Your punishment. And, I seek refuge in You from You. I am not able to count the praises of -You as Your own praise of You." (HR. Abu Dawut, Tirmidhi, Nasa'I, Ibnu Majah, and Thabrani).

6. Witnessed by angels during prayer.

The witr prayer performed at the end of the night will be witnessed by angels. They will join us in praying to God and blessings will accompany anyone who performs witr prayer at this time. As stated in a hadith, the Prophet said:

"Has narrated to us [Abu Bakr bin Abu Shaibah] has narrated to us [Hafsh] and [Abu Mu'awiyah] from [Al A'masy] from [Abu Sufyan] from [Jabir] he said: Messenger of Allah, may God bless him and grant him peace said:

"Whoever is worried that he will not be able to wake up at the end of the night, he should perform witr at the beginning of the night. And whoever hopes to be able to wake up at the end of the night, should perform witr at the end of the night, because the prayer at the end of the night is witnessed (by the angels) and that is more afdlal (main)." Abu Mu'awiyah said: "Mahdlurah (attended by angels)." (HR. Muslim)

7. Never abandoned by the Prophet.

The witr prayer is a sunnah prayer that the Prophet never left, except once. Then the Messenger of Allah recited it after the morning prayer. The Prophet always performed witr prayer. As in a hadith: "My lover, the Messenger of Allah, gave me a will that I fast 3 days every month, perform the Dhuha prayer 2 rakats and the Witr prayer before I go to sleep." (HR. Bukhari)

8. Given strength and guidance by God.

A Muslim who always prays Witr, especially in the month of Ramadan, will gain strength in every trial he faces in the world. In addition, the prayers he prays will always be heard by God. So, those who diligently perform witr prayers will get guidance from Allah in every trial they are facing.

9. Increase patience and perseverance.

Performing the Witr prayer in the month of Ramadan requires patience and perseverance because it is done at night and or early in the morning, after a full day of fasting. This helps to strengthen the patient and steadfast character in a Muslim.

10. Cleanse yourself from sin.

By performing the witr prayer, a person cleanses himself of the sins that have occurred during the previous day and night. This is an opportunity to start over with a clean heart every night.

Time to pray witr

photo: freepik.com

The witr prayer can also be done after the tarawih prayer. Because the witr prayer is meant to be the last of the night to make up for even prayers. That is why it is recommended to make it as the end of the night prayer.

If you intend to perform the tahajud prayer at night, then it is best not to perform the witr prayer before going to bed, but perform it after the tahajud prayer. However, if we do not intend to do so, then we should perform the witr prayer before going to bed.

So, the witr prayer is best done between the time after the isha prayer and the time before the dawn prayer. As in a hadith, the Prophet said: "Make Witr the end of your prayers at night." (HR. Bukhari).

The procedure for performing witr prayer

The procedure for performing witr prayer is quite simple, but full of meaning and devotion. The following are the general procedures for the Witr prayer:

1. Intend witr prayer in your heart.
2. Perform takbiratul ihram as in other prayers.
3. Reciting Surat Al-Fatihah in each rak'ah, followed by the recitation of other short suras or verses from the Qur'an.
4. Bowing and prostrating as in normal prayer.
5. After finishing the last rak'ah, do the final tashahhud and salam.

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