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2 September 2024 16:21

10 Myths in September that are interesting to know

These myths are often influenced by local culture, history and beliefs. Brilio.net
10 Myths in September that are interesting to know

Brilio.net - September is often considered a special month with various traditions, beliefs, and myths that develop in society. From the various stories circulating, there are many myths in September that are interesting to know. These myths are often influenced by local culture, history, and beliefs. Here are 10 of the most interesting and unique myths in September from various parts of the world.

1. Myths about the beginning of autumn

One of the myths in September that is quite popular is the myth about the change of seasons from summer to autumn. In some cultures, September is considered a time full of mystery because it is a transition from light to dark, from hot to cold. Some ancient beliefs say that spirits and supernatural beings become more active during this change of seasons, so people need to be careful.

2. Luck for marriage

There is a myth in September that states that this month brings good luck to married couples. Some cultures believe that getting married in September will bring happiness, stability, and prosperity to the couple because this month is considered the balance month between summer and autumn. Many couples choose September to get married because they believe in this myth.

3. Taboos on cutting hair

Some people believe in the myth in September that cutting hair in this month can bring bad luck. This myth comes from the belief that hair cut in this month of changing seasons can invite negative energy or make someone susceptible to disease. Although there is no scientific evidence to support it, many still adhere to this myth today.

4. Myths about the harvest

In many agrarian cultures, September is the time of harvest. There is a myth in September that states that the harvest in this month is greatly influenced by the prayers and rituals performed by farmers. Some believe that not performing certain rituals can cause the harvest to fail or invite natural disasters. This myth shows how important September is in the agricultural and spiritual calendar of agrarian societies.

5. The moon is filled with magical energy

Some mystical beliefs believe that September is a month filled with magical energy. The myth in September is related to the astrological position of the stars which are thought to influence one's luck, health, and love. Many people follow special rituals or meditate during this month to harness the energy that is believed to be stronger.

6. Myths about the full moon

Another myth in September is related to the full moon known as the "Harvest Moon". Many cultures believe that the full moon in September has special powers that can affect the behavior of humans and animals. Some myths even say that the full moon in this month can increase the risk of accidents or conflicts.

7. September and financial luck

There is also a myth in September that says that this month brings good luck in terms of finances. Some people believe that starting a business or making investments in this month will be more successful because the energy of September is considered stable and brings balance. Although this is just a myth, many still choose this month to start a new business.

8. Prohibition on going to sea

In some coastal cultures, there is a myth in September that forbids people from going to sea or making long journeys. This belief arises from the belief that September is a time when the sea is "restless" and the waves become bigger, which can be dangerous for sailors and fishermen. Although it can be explained by changes in the weather, this myth still lives on in the traditions of some coastal communities.

9. Myths about dreams in September

Some people believe that dreams in September have stronger meanings or are more likely to come true. This September myth is rooted in the belief that this month is a time of transition between seasons, so the door between the real world and the dream world is more open. Some people use September dreams as clues or signs for making important decisions.

10. The healing power of nature

The last myth in September is about the healing power of nature. In some areas, there is a belief that medicinal plants picked in September have stronger healing properties. This myth is based on the belief that plants that grow at the turn of the season have higher energy and can provide better health effects.

Knowing the various myths in September can broaden your insight and enrich your understanding of beliefs and traditions in the world. Whether you believe them or not, these myths are still interesting to learn and appreciate as part of our cultural heritage.

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