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27 Maret 2024 20:45

10 examples of students' rights and obligations in high school that are often ignored

One way to ensure that schools are conducive is to fulfill students' rights and obligations. Brilio.net
10 examples of students' rights and obligations in high school that are often ignored foto: freepik.com

Brilio.net - Recently there have been various acts of violence between students or teachers in high school environments. This unconduciveness can be caused by a lack of understanding about protecting students' rights and providing information about students' obligations while at school.

Teachers in high schools have an important role in providing a conducive and enjoyable learning environment. The way that can be done is to fulfill students' rights and obligations.

There are student rights that need to be fulfilled, such as protecting students from various threats of violence, both from within the school and outside the school. This right functions as protection provided by the school to ensure the safety, comfort and tranquility of students carrying out various activities at school. Apart from that, students' obligations at school are also useful in training students to be disciplined in taking care of themselves and obeying all applicable school regulations.

The following are 10 examples of students' rights and obligations in high school that are often ignored, as collected by brilio.net from various sources, Wednesday (27/3).

10 examples of student rights in high school that are often ignored

photo: unsplash.com

1. The right to quality education

Students have the right to receive quality education and in accordance with established standards. The quality of education for each student must be equal so that all potential can be improved properly.

2. The right to be involved in the learning process

Students have the right to be actively involved in learning and participate in learning activities in class and outside of class, so that all have equal opportunities.

3. The right to receive fair and equal treatment

Students have the right to be treated fairly and equally regardless of background, gender, religion, or other characteristics.

4. The right to express opinions

Students have the right to express opinions, ideas and input in the context of learning and school activities, apart from that, schools must also provide a forum for students' creativity and aspirations.

5. The right to obtain protection from violence and harassment

Students have the right to be protected from all forms of violence, harassment or intimidation in the school environment. All acts of violence and crime in the school environment must be completely eradicated.

6. The right to obtain clear and accurate information

Students have the right to obtain clear, accurate and transparent information regarding school policies, procedures and programs.

7. The right to privacy and confidentiality

Students have the right to maintain their personal privacy and confidentiality, including personal data and other information.

8. The right to receive guidance and support

Students have the right to receive guidance and support from teachers, counselors and school staff in dealing with the challenges and problems they face.

9. The right to participate in extracurricular activities

Students have the right to participate in extracurricular activities and self-development outside class hours.

10. The right to obtain health and welfare services

Students have the right to obtain access to adequate health and welfare services in the school environment.

10 Examples of student obligations in high school that are often ignored

photo: unsplash.com

1. Obligation to attend and actively participate in learning

Students have an obligation to attend school regularly and participate actively in the learning process.

2. The obligation to respect teachers and school staff

Students have an obligation to respect and appreciate teachers and school staff in carrying out their duties.

3. The obligation to maintain self-discipline

Students have an obligation to maintain self-discipline and comply with established school regulations.

4. The obligation to respect differences

Students have an obligation to respect differences between individuals, including differences in cultural background, religion and opinion.

5. Obligation to be responsible for actions and behavior

Students have an obligation to be responsible for their actions and behavior, both inside and outside the school environment.

6. Obligation to maintain cleanliness and tidiness

Students have an obligation to maintain the cleanliness and tidiness of the school environment and existing facilities.

7. The obligation to respect the rights of others

Students have an obligation to respect the rights of others, including the rights of other students and members of the school community.

8. Obligation to be active in school activities

Students have an obligation to be active in various school activities, including social, religious activities and activities that support self-development.

9. Obligation to respect and maintain school facilities

Students have an obligation to respect and maintain school facilities so that they are well maintained and can be used properly.

10. Obligation to follow school rules and procedures

Students have an obligation to follow the rules and procedures set by the school in order to maintain order and security in the school environment.

These are 10 examples of student rights and obligations in high school that are often ignored. The hope is that after you know the rights and obligations of the school, you will appreciate and respect your fellow school members more. If any of your rights are not fulfilled, you can ask for help from teachers to find a solution.

Author: mgg/Zidan Fajri

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