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19 Maret 2024 08:30

10 Examples of student rights in elementary schools that must be provided, have they been fulfilled?

Student rights involve aspects of education, health, freedom, and recognition Brilio.net

Brilio.net - Elementary School (SD) is the most basic level of school education. The formation of character, personality and knowledge is fostered from this level so that in the future students are able to obtain much better abilities. Schools and teachers have a very important role in the entire process of teaching and learning activities in schools.

Within 24 hours, students and teachers spend more than 6 hours of their time meeting, playing, learning, and also exploring their potential. With the long duration of school each day, students have rights that need to be fulfilled by teachers and school teaching staff. Do you know what rights students, especially in elementary schools, must fulfill?

These student rights involve many aspects, such as aspects of education, health, freedom, recognition and so on. As a student, the most important thing is to get the most ideal education, especially in the process of teaching and learning activities in class. However, in the learning process outside the classroom, whether directed by teachers or independently, students also have other rights that must be fulfilled.

Often because elementary school students are considered still young, students are not involved and are not given adequate information about the rights they should have. So have the rights of elementary school students been fulfilled? The following are 10 examples of student rights in elementary schools that must be provided, reported by brilio.net from various sources, Monday (18/3).

Examples of student rights in elementary schools that must be fulfilled

photo: freepik.com

1. The right to obtain ideal education and teaching.

An example of a student's right in elementary school that must be given is the right to obtain ideal education and teaching. As students, ideal education and teaching is the highest priority that must be given and obtained by the entire academic community, both students and teachers. This is also because elementary school students are students with the most basic and most complex level of education.

Ideal education is quality education that adapts to all the values and needs of elementary school students. The material and assignments given must be in accordance with the applicable curriculum, and adapted to effective and enjoyable teaching and learning activities.

2. The right to receive fair and equal treatment.

The next right of elementary school students is to obtain the right to receive fair and equal treatment. Fairness here means fairness from various aspects, such as ethnicity, religion, race, gender and other statuses. These various things are also included in justice and equal treatment regardless of appearance, whether in terms of skin color, hair shape, and other physical deficiencies.

All students must be given the opportunity to gain knowledge and develop equally without favoritism or favoritism. Teachers and students both have an obligation to respect each other, appreciate each other, and embrace each other for all differences that exist, whether visible or invisible.

3. The right to personal protection and security.

The protection and safety of students also needs to be prioritized both within the school environment and outside the school. This right to security must protect all students from the threat of violent practices, both verbal and non-verbal. All individuals who carry out threats of violence and criminal acts against elementary school students must receive serious and strict punishment from the authorities.

Teachers and other teaching staff prioritize providing a safe and comfortable school environment for their students. If acts of violence occur between students, teachers must play a neutral role and have high integrity in defending the victim and taking action against the perpetrator so that this does not happen again. Protection services for victims or anyone involved also need to be provided by teaching staff in the school environment, especially elementary schools.

4. The right to use all school facilities and equipment.

The next right of elementary school students is the right to use school facilities and equipment. All students and teaching staff have the right to use school facilities and infrastructure to support the effectiveness of teaching and learning activities without exception. There should be no social discrimination that occurs because of background or other motives that prevent a student from using school facilities.

Schools and other teaching staff also play a role in providing adequate school facilities to students so that they can obtain the best knowledge. Some of the school facilities include laboratories, libraries, fields, classrooms and other facilities. Apart from that, there must also be an internet signal that reaches the entire school area.

5. The right to receive intensive teacher guidance.

Intensive teacher guidance or commonly referred to as counseling guidance is a service provided by schools to accommodate all students' aspirations which is carried out privately and periodically. Usually in several conditions, students have an aspiration or desire to express an opinion on something that cannot be resolved by themselves, their closest friends, or their family.

Teachers have the ability to facilitate students' complaints so that in the future the students are able to resolve the problems they face with the teacher's helping hand. Apart from problem solving, intensive counseling can also take the form of intensive training such as additional tutoring for students who need a deeper understanding of the material or assignments.

Examples of elementary school students' rights that students and teachers should know

photo: freepik.com

6. The right to express opinions and ideas.

As is the case at all other levels of education, freedom to express opinions or express ideas must be a priority right for elementary school students. Any student who wants to speak up and be creative must be facilitated to have the courage to express their voice and work. As an elementary school teacher, of course character formation must be formed from an early age.

Therefore, students need help in honing their courage to express their opinions in front of many people. To train students to be more courageous, this can be done by involving them in the decision-making process, for example in the process of selecting class president. There are also various supporting organizations or extracurriculars available.

7. The right to receive adequate health and nutritional services.

An example of the rights of elementary school students that also need to be fulfilled is the right to receive adequate health and nutrition services. Often due to family economic conditions, students' health and nutrition cannot be provided for by their families. Therefore, schools and teachers have a responsibility to provide adequate health facilities and services.

This is also supported by providing healthy and nutritious food and drinks. Apart from that, regular health programs also need to be implemented, such as dengue injection services or immunizations. The availability of supporting facilities such as health rooms, water and clean toilets should also not be ignored by the relevant staff.

8. The right to rest and play time.

Rest time and play time are two times that must be given to elementary school students. Instinctively, the age of an elementary school student is intended for playing and exploring many things. However, because of the obligation to study, the freedom to play becomes a distraction for students during teaching and learning activities.

Teaching staff are also encouraged to provide special sessions for students to play and stretch between study periods. This is useful so that students remain in top condition and also do not experience fatigue in studying at the end of the day. Break sessions are also intended for students so that they can refresh their minds and bodies so they are better prepared to receive the knowledge taught.

9. The right to receive awards and recognition of achievements.

Another example of elementary school students' rights is to receive awards and recognition for their achievements from the school. The skills and abilities of students must be fully supported so that they have more courage in competing and honing their skills.

If students are able to win a number of awards in competitions or degree-winning events, the school and teachers must prepare proof of recognition of achievements or awards for the champions. This award is useful for encouraging students to be more active in pursuing their abilities.

10. The right to receive information and education about their rights as a student.

Even though elementary school students are normally quite young, it is necessary to obtain as much information as possible regarding the fulfillment of the rights of students and teachers in full. This is useful so that students are more aware of the rights and obligations they will receive while studying in elementary school. Apart from that, this information is also useful in developing children's intelligence and character so that they are more disciplined and aware of themselves and their peers.

Those are 10 examples of student rights in elementary schools that must be provided, have they been fulfilled? The hope is that elementary school students and teachers will be able to complement each other and fulfill each other's rights and obligations. Hopefully this information is useful!

(Intern/Zidan Fajri)

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