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26 Maret 2024 16:25

10 examples of hobbies that school children must have, opportunities to hone creativity

Through hobbies, children can develop talents and skills to explore their own potential. Brilio.net
foto: unsplash.com

Brilio.net - Honing creativity through hobbies is very important for children's development because it allows them to explore and express themselves uniquely. With hobbies, children learn to solve problems, adapt to change, and face challenges with creativity. This helps broaden their perception of the world and build self-confidence.

Through hobbies, children can develop new skills , improve concentration, and reduce stress. Honing creativity also helps them learn to think outside the box, be innovative, and be ready to face future challenges in unique and effective ways.

The following are examples of school children's hobbies that give you the opportunity to hone your creativity, summarized from several sources by brilio.net , Tuesday (26/3).

Examples of school children's hobbies.

photo: unsplash.com

1. Reading

Reading can open your horizons of knowledge about everything in the world. Many school children find pleasure in reading books or stories. This hobby of reading not only improves their vocabulary and comprehension, but also opens the door to unlimited knowledge and imagination.

You are prohibited from making any excuses for not liking reading. After all, someday you need to read. That's precisely the right reason for you to start reading. You have to get used to reading starting from things you like. The hobby of reading can start from curiosity about things you like.

2. Play music

Music is a medium for honing your creativity. The tonal dynamics in it allow you to express yourself through tone. Music allows children to express themselves in unique ways. Through playing an instrument or singing songs, they can express their feelings, emotions, and ideas in a way that is not possible through words alone. The process of creating or interpreting music allows children to explore ideas and experiment with sound, rhythm and harmony.

Music expands children's imagination. When they engage in music, whether by playing an instrument, singing, or listening, children are exposed to a new world full of colors, shapes, and emotions. They can imagine the story behind the song, create mental images that depict the mood of the music, or even create their own songs. This stimulates their imagination and helps them see the world from a different perspective.

Lastly, music also strengthens children's cognitive skills. Learning to read musical notation, understand rhythm patterns, and master musical technique requires analytical and creative thinking. Through musical practice, children learn to solve problems, improve memory abilities, and develop fine motor skills. All of this helps improve their overall brain function, which can benefit many aspects of their lives, both inside and outside the classroom. Thus, music becomes not only an enjoyable hobby but also a powerful tool in enriching children's experience and development.

Children can be interested in playing musical instruments such as guitar, piano, violin or drums. Playing music is not only fun, but also helps improve their motor skills and creativity.

(mgg/Robiul Adil Robani)

3. Paint or draw

Art activities such as painting or drawing can be a fun hobby for children. Children often have a natural talent for painting. The hobby of painting can start from you feeling satisfied seeing your results without caring about other people's opinions. The hobby of painting is a pleasure that is given to oneself through the process of painting.

You can express yourself creatively and develop visual skills from your painting. Every brush stroke and color chosen contains a unique and profound message. In addition, painting also helps develop visual skills, such as perception of space, proportion, composition and color. By painting, you learn to see the world with more sensitive eyes and hone your ability to express yourself artistically.

photo: unsplash.com

4. Sports

Many schoolchildren find interest in various sports such as football, basketball, badminton or swimming. Exercise is not only good for physical health, but also helps build social, teamwork and leadership skills.

5. Write a story or poem

Some children may enjoy expressing their ideas and imagination through writing stories or poetry. This hobby helps improve their writing skills and allows them to express themselves creatively.

6. Collector of goods

There are children who enjoy collecting items such as stamps, coins, toys or collectible cards. This hobby can teach them about order, research, and foster interest in a particular field.

photo: unsplash.com

7. Explore nature

Children can also find enjoyment in outdoor activities such as hiking, camping, or exploring nature. This not only keeps their bodies healthy but also helps develop a sense of concern for the environment.

8. Make handicrafts

Activities such as knitting, sewing, or making other handicrafts can be fun hobbies for children. Making crafts helps improve their fine motor skills and creativity.

photo: unsplash.com

9. Cooking or baking

There are children who enjoy trying new recipes or participating in cooking activities in the kitchen. This hobby is not only fun but also teaches them about hygiene, measurements, and following instructions.

10. Programming

Kids who are interested in technology may find enjoyment in learning computer programming, creating apps, or experimenting with robotics. This hobby helps develop their digital skills and prepares them for a technology-driven future. You will be able to create a great technology with a hobby of programming from a young age.

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