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18 Maret 2024 12:45

10 Examples of discrimination in schools that are often ignored, be careful of the threat of bullying practices

Various acts of discrimination at school can have a negative impact on students, especially mentally and academically Brilio.net

Brilio.net - School is a shelter for students and students to gain as much knowledge as possible. School is also a place for students to socialize, express aspirations, and be creative in various ways. Naturally, students are connected to each other because of their likes, hobbies and other interesting things. However, because there are times when there are differences between them, it causes a spark of conflict to arise which is generally started by a trivial dispute.

One of the acts of dispute that has become a problem among students and schoolgirls is various acts of discrimination directed at certain students. This caused the victim to experience trauma and mental disorders which affected his academic abilities. This situation is made worse by perpetrators who do not know their status, whether teachers, staff or fellow students, who easily carry out acts of discrimination without any strict punishment for their actions.

Maybe if you pay attention, acts of discrimination and similar practices of disputes between students are very common. From what initially only started as light teasing, trivial dislike, but over time it will become a sword that stabs both of them. This is made worse by the habit of students who like to form groups, so that if there is a dispute between them, then one group or group of students will become hostile towards the victim and his group. This continues to develop until the impact spreads and as a result teaching and learning activities are no longer as enjoyable as before.

So do you know what examples of discrimination in schools often occur? Or where does the source or principle of discrimination originate from or who is it directed at? The following are 10 examples of discrimination in schools that are often ignored, as reported by brilio.net from various sources, Monday (18/3).

Examples of discrimination in schools that have fatal impacts

photo: freepik.com

Discrimination in schools often occurs due to various differences that often arise in a group of students, usually the victims have dissimilar physical, mental conditions or needs as well as striking differences compared to their peers. This difference ultimately makes him stand out more than the other students. If this continues without any guidance, the impact and consequences experienced by the victim will be very fatal. Examples of discrimination in schools are as follows:

1. Discrimination based on gender stereotypes.

The most common example of discrimination in schools is discrimination based on different gender stereotypes. This is shown by the position of men always being superior to the position of women. For example, regarding dress codes, study rules, extracurricular rules and so on, often only benefit one party. Meanwhile, there are many female students who also have equal rights. This causes male students to ridicule or sneer at female students if there are things that are considered unusual.

2. Discrimination based on race and ethnicity.

Race and ethnicity are two things that very easily provoke disputes because the differences are very striking. If a school has a majority of students of the same race or ethnicity, the presence of students of different ethnicities will attract the attention of those around them. Often because of differences in physical conditions such as skin color, hair, and the like, friends around him ridicule him with nicknames or nicknames that are not good. Because the victim's position is a minority, as a result no one is able to defend himself and make friends around him aware of respecting each other and realizing harmony and tolerance.

3. Discrimination based on students with special needs.

An example of discrimination in schools that also often occurs but is ignored is discrimination against students with special needs. This condition often occurs in public or private schools that do not yet have a competent inclusive education system. As a result, students with special needs often receive unpleasant treatment because of the differences they have compared to their peers. Supportive educational facilities and services are the key to their safety in studying at school in ideal conditions.

4. Discrimination due to abuse of power by teachers or school staff.

Sometimes, teachers or school staff use their power to discriminate against certain students, whether based on social background, economics, or other factors. This can have fatal consequences if students feel there is no place to report the treatment or if they feel threatened.

5. Discrimination based on family economic strata.

Examples of discrimination in schools which also claim many victims are often caused by different family economic strata. This is aimed at students who have lower family economic conditions. Many students are targets of bullying by perpetrators simply because of inadequate economic conditions. This starts with appearance, academics, and life outside of school which become the subject of ridicule by well-off students. This is made worse by the victim's inability to get the ideal portion of education because of very high costs. As a result, many of them prefer to earn money rather than study at school.

Examples of discrimination in schools that make students' physical and mental health conditions depressed.

photo: freepik.com

6. Discrimination based on minority religion.

As is the case in a general group of society, religion is a determining factor in social harmony. In student life at school, students from minority religions often experience violence or discrimination simply because they adhere to a different religion. Students with the majority religion feel more powerful than students with the minority religion.

With a lack of information and guidance from teachers towards students regarding the virtues of tolerance and religious harmony, this has resulted in acts of violence against minorities never ending. As a result, many victims choose to look for schools with similar religions rather than having to stay in schools that accept various religious groups, but with a low level of tolerance.

7. Discrimination based on foreign or regional languages.

Examples of discrimination in schools can also be caused by differences in language and also different pronunciations. Usually this targets transfer students who enter certain schools. Because their ways and styles of speaking are different, as a result many students around them pay more attention to them and consider their differences to be odd. The victims will receive unpleasant treatment because of the various insults directed at them, simply because they cannot resemble or are unable to master the local language and accent.

8. Discrimination based on academic ability.

Each student's academic ability certainly has different levels. However, it is unfortunate for students who have low academic abilities to make negative statements about themselves. The inability to absorb lessons and the inability to deepen the various skills taught in school lessons causes him to lag behind his peers. This caused him to be ostracized from friends and also underestimated by the teachers.

9. Discrimination based on mental health disorders.

In recent years, mental health has been a negative threat among various levels of social groups. This also applies to school students studying education. In his social life at school, various factors often cause a person's mental health to be disturbed or depressed. The cause can be caused by internal factors or external factors in the environment.

People with disturbed mental health create striking attitudes and behavior among their environment, as a result, many peers consider students with mental health disorders to be different people. There is a need for assistance from parents and teachers in following up the process of improving the victim's mental health condition.

10. Discrimination based on nationality or nationality.

Although acts of discrimination due to students' different nationalities are not common, this is also the reason why acts of conflict occur in schools. Victims of discrimination are usually citizens who have moved from a country or are descendants of foreign citizens. Differences in appearance, language and social attitudes caused many students around him to think the victim was a different person.

These are 10 examples of discrimination in schools that are often ignored, be careful of the threat of bullying practices. The hope is that you, as educated students and students, will be able to help victims of discrimination to quickly recover from their traumatic feelings, as well as joining in strongly condemning all perpetrators of discrimination in schools so that they receive appropriate punishment. Hopefully this information is useful, OK!

(Intern/Zidan Fajri)

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