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27 Agustus 2019 16:59

People with paraplegia have a multitude of social activities, even traveling around Indonesia

Sri Lestari suffered from paralysis due to an accident when she was 23 years old. Even so, he has a high enthusiasm for socializing. Hira Hilary Aragon

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Not recognizing limitations is the right word for Sri Lestari. Paralysis is not an obstacle for Sri to help others. This woman, born in Klaten, December 10 1973, had an accident when she was 23 years old. Even though she has limitations, Sri always has the desire to help many people who also have many shortcomings. Sri Lestari has a story that she will always remember when she is old. One by one, his dream of traveling around Indonesia began to come true on his favorite motorbike which had always accompanied him all this time.

Getting to know Sri Lestari, she is a person with a disability with a burning enthusiasm. The name is certainly familiar to some people. Since the last few years, this woman from Klaten Regency, Central Java, has been widely discussed because of her noble heart. Sri has proven that she is able to recover from the events she experienced decades ago. Even though it took almost 10 years to recover, she has now grown into a strong woman. In 1997, Sri, who was still 23 years old, had a motorbike accident.

Sri wants to live independently and build her life. One of them is by working on making handicrafts with teachers at the Special School (SLB) in Manisrenggo. He also keeps himself busy by volunteering at SLB A-YAAT, Klaten. By having a modified motorbike, Sri Lestari is increasingly active in social activities.

"I heard on the radio that there was a vacancy to be a volunteer at Griya Manunggal in Jogja. I was interested there to register as a volunteer. I was accepted there, but had to sleep there. But because of my condition, I didn't dare to stay overnight. Finally from Ms. Ninik, one of the officers at Griya Manunggal, said, 'How come there is a motorbike that you can ride without having to get out of the wheelchair' Since then, I have been looking for information, almost 8 months, about Mr. Bambang who has the exact motorbike that I use. his house is Magelang," explained Sri.

Finally, Sri had a modified motorbike with the help of a friend in the Netherlands. With her ability to ride a motorbike, Sri becomes an example and provides motivation for other paralyzed people.

"When I meet other Paraplegic friends, when I say I am Paraplegic they don't believe it. I say I work, they don't believe it. I say I can ride a motorbike, I see a very different facial expression. My intention is just to share my enthusiasm, sharing my experience as a paraplegic, as a person with a disability, that I can still do my own activities, I can still work. That's routine until now, I still work Monday to Friday. But on Saturdays or Sundays I visit my friends more. Because with my first trip in 2012, Jakarta-Bali, many people automatically found out because it was on YouTube. Then more people texted, WA, or social media, so many of my friends contacted me, wanted to meet me, wanted to be like me. "As long as I can afford it, I'll go," said Sri.

He even visited various cities in Indonesia on a modified motorbike. He carried out the touring program in 2013 Jakarta-Bali, 2014 from Sabang-Jakarta and from 2015 Manado-Makassar. Together with her team, Sri visited friends with disabilities in every city she passed.

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