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15 Oktober 2020 16:55

A series of facts about Adit Jayusman, a man who is close to Ayu Ting Ting

Adit has a prominent educational and family background Nisa Akmala

The name Adit Pradhana Jayusman is currently being widely discussed. Not from celebrity circles, his figure was in the spotlight after news of his closeness to Ayu Ting Ting became public.

This started with an upload by her mother, Umi Kalsum, on her personal Instagram account. At that time, Umi Kalsum uploaded the moment of her birthday celebration. In the photo, Adit's figure appears to be participating with other families.

Not denying it, Umi Kalsum confirmed that there was a special relationship between Ayu and Adit. Now Adit's figure also arouses public curiosity.

Not just anyone, apparently Adit has a prominent educational background and family. Together with Adit, the singer of the song Palsu Address is said to be going up the aisle soon. Are you curious about the facts about Adit Jayusman? Get to know him through the following Brilio video.

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