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22 April 2020 18:00

6 Unique facts about warteg, cheap and very Indonesian

Warteg buildings always have 2 doors. Syamsu Dhuha Firman Ridho

Hello Brilio.net friends, here are unique facts about warteg! Come on, let's see!

Warung Tegal or commonly known as warteg is a typical stall in Tegal City. This stall, which has spread across several big cities in Indonesia and abroad, turns out to have interesting facts that are rarely known to the public.

The first fact is that there are always two doors to a warteg, this is so that people going in and out don't bump into each other. The second fact is that the majority of warteg buildings are always yellow, blue and green. Not to mention that Tegal also has villages where the majority of the population work as warteg traders. Wow!

So, for those of you who are still curious about other unique facts about warteg, you can read the complete article here

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