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11 Juni 2024 14:45

Teacher shares the condition of ground-based schools in remote areas of NTT, 11 photos of the buildings make you sad

Due to the lack of school building facilities, sometimes one chair is for 3 students. Muhammad Rizki Yusrial

It cannot be denied that school facilities have a crucial role in influencing student development. Adequate facilities, such as complete laboratories, comfortable classroom conditions, libraries with diverse book collections, computer rooms, good sports facilities can improve the quality of learning and encourage students' interest and motivation to learn.

However, in Indonesia there are still several schools that do not have proper facilities. One of them is SMAN 1 Rahong, a school located in Manggarai Regency, East Nusa Tenggara Province, NTT .

One of the teachers who taught there several times shared the conditions of his school. There are many aspects that seem to have not been touched by adequate school facilities . So they carry out the teaching and learning process with minimal conditions.

In the video, it can be seen that the school has a sad condition. However, the teachers and students were still enthusiastic about going to school.

Are you curious about the school building? Just look at the collection of images below. Everything was collected by brilio.net from TikTok @valerians_art on Tuesday (11/6).

foto: TikTok/@valerians_art

Some of the buildings of this school are still made of earth.

foto: TikTok/@valerians_art

Due to lack of facilities, one chair is sometimes used for 3 people.

foto: TikTok/@valerians_art

The building used is not a permanent building. If you didn't see students studying in that room, people probably wouldn't think that this was a school building.

foto: TikTok/@valerians_art

There are also several floors that have been cast. The casting process is also carried out directly by the teacher and students.

foto: TikTok/@valerians_art

Instead of one person per chair, it appears that this school uses one long bench that can be occupied by 5 to 6 students. The teacher called it a "no sleepy bench".

foto: TikTok/@valerians_art

The desk for writing also looks small. Apart from that, each student must condition their hand movements so as not to make the table move too much.

foto: TikTok/@valerians_art

It seems that the walls used are made of rattan. At least it can create a sensation like in class.

foto: TikTok/@valerians_art

This is what the school looked like when the ceremony was being held.

foto: TikTok/@valerians_art

When the rainy season arrives, the floor becomes muddy. This is said to often disrupt the teaching and learning process.

foto: TikTok/@valerians_art

There are already classes built permanently by the government. However, of the 11 classes, only three classes have permanent buildings. Eight of them are still in poor condition.

foto: TikTok/@valerians_art

Even though the facilities are limited, it can be seen that students are still enthusiastic about studying.

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