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30 Juni 2024 07:00

Previously labeled as a bird cage, now it has a resort-like residence. These 9 portraits of Anjasmara's walk-in closet are unique

His singing bowl actually makes a lot of netizens laugh. Ferra Listianti

Anjasmara and Dian Nitami's household has entered its silver age, namely 25 years. During that time, their household seemed harmonious and there was rarely any gossip. But make no mistake, Anjasmara also went through difficult twists and turns in his romance with Dian Nitami.

At the start of his marriage to Dian Nitami, his in-laws looked down on him. This is because the residence used to look small. Her mother-in-law even teased that Anjasmara's house was like a bird cage.

"This is a bird cage (said Anjasmara, imitating her father-in-law's words). It hurts my heart to say that. But in my heart, look at it and you'll see that I will have a big, comfortable house," said Anjasmara during an interview on the Perspective program.

With her hard work in a career in the entertainment world, Anjasmara has now succeeded in building a resort-like residence with a fairly large garden. The area that looks interesting in the residence is the portrait of the walk-in closet which is quite unique.

The following brilio.net summarizes from Thomas Djorghi's YouTube on Saturday (29/6), a portrait of Anjasmara's walk in closet.

 YouTube Thomas Djorghi

Successfully building a fairly spacious residence like a resort, Thomas Djorghi was curious about the area inside Anjasmara's house. The interesting thing is, the portrait of the walk in closet.

 YouTube Thomas Djorghi

Apart from being equipped with various batik clothes neatly lined up on the shelves, there were also several Anjasmara motif bags from well-known brands.

 YouTube Thomas Djorghi

These brands include Louis Vuitton, Dior, and several others.

 YouTube Thomas Djorghi

One of her favorite bags is from the Louis Vuitton brand, because this bag is a limited edition, not many people have it.

 YouTube Thomas Djorghi

What's unique about this area is the presence of a singing bowl, a typical Tibetan bowl made of metal, in the closet island.

 YouTube Thomas Djorghi

"The purpose of placing it here is to clean, neutralize energy," said Anjasmara.

 YouTube Thomas Djorghi

Still in the same area, Anjasmara also showed the studio where she usually practices yoga.

 YouTube Thomas Djorghi

The studio is only separated by a glass window with Javanese script written on it.

 YouTube Thomas Djorghi

Not only for practicing yoga, this studio is also for teaching sports online. Because as is known, Anjasmara has now chosen a career as a yoga teacher.

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