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28 Desember 2024 23:00

Just using wallpaper, this old-school kitchen renovation into an aesthetic one makes cooking more enjoyable, take a peek at the 11 transformations

To renovate a kitchen that was initially messy, you don't always need a lot of capital. Sri Jumiyarti Risno

The kitchen is one of the most important areas in a house. The kitchen is a place to produce delicious, nutritious, and healthy dishes. Therefore, it is important to organize the kitchen so that it is always neat and clean. Because, the quality of food depends on the cleanliness of the kitchen too.

Well, the kitchen renovation inspiration that is widely circulated on social media has apparently attracted many enthusiasts. A beautiful kitchen not only makes you feel at home cooking, but also triggers a sense of satisfaction because you see an aesthetic room.

Well, to renovate a kitchen that was initially messy, it doesn't always need a large capital. In fact, by relying on wall paper, a shabby kitchen can be transformed into an aesthetic one.

Here's how to renovate an old-fashioned kitchen to make it aesthetic, just using this wall paper to make you feel at home cooking, brilio.net adapted from the TikTok account @redcah on Saturday (28/12)


At the beginning of the upload, the TikTok account owner @redcah shows the messy condition of his kitchen. Even so, the condition of this kitchen is much better than before, because the walls have been painted first.


Here are the details of the kitchen table area that uses concrete. There are several broken parts. Even the bottom is already moldy.


In this kitchen there is also a pipe that is not nice to look at.


The renovation process began. The first thing to do was to install a kitchen table door so that it wouldn't be messy. This kitchen door used leftover PVC that was used to renovate the ceiling of his house.


Apart from the door, he asked the craftsman to cover the PVC pipe area with the same PVC.


This is the result after installing the table door and PVC. Although the result is quite good, it seems the homeowner is not satisfied. He redid the kitchen wall area again.


According to him, the dark blue kitchen wall looks old-fashioned and does not match the concept of his house which is predominantly white. As a result, he used wall paper to cover the area of the pipe to the kitchen wall.


He also installed a medium-sized shelf above the kitchen. If installing a kitchen set, you have to remodel the entire kitchen area which takes a long time. Well, because he wanted to use it immediately, he took the initiative to use the shelf only.


There is also a simple dish rack placed above the sink.


This is the result of renovating an old-school kitchen to be more minimalist and aesthetic. This area is cleaner and has a matching color.


The stove area and cooking spices are also neatly arranged. Although simple, it still makes you feel at home cooking here.

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