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17 Agustus 2024 17:00

Her dream since elementary school came true, here are 9 portraits of Ni Komang Tri Setia carrying the flag lowering tray at the IKN

He aspires to become a cadet at the Police Academy (Akpol). Syeny Wulandari

The 79th Anniversary of the Republic of Indonesia on Saturday (17/8) has been held in the Capital City of the Archipelago for the first time. Starting from the flag raising this morning, to the flag lowering ceremony which began at 17.00 WITA, it was successfully carried out.

The entire ceremonial process was carried out by all ceremonial officers, starting from President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) as the ceremony inspector, to the ceremony participants, namely the invited guests present at the State Palace.

However, the moment of the ceremony is usually a highlight for the Flag Raising Troops or Paskibraka. Those who come from various regions in Indonesia are the sons and daughters of the nation who are chosen to be officers who raise and lower the flag in the Indonesian independence ceremony.

If this morning there was Livenia Evelyn Kurniawan who carried a tray containing the heirloom flag, now at the flag-lowering ceremony there was Ni Komang Tri Setia who stole the public's attention. Yes, this beautiful girl who represents Bali is tasked with delivering the flag that has been raised to the ceremony inspector, namely Jokowi.

Ni Komang Tri Setia is one of two students from Bali who passed the 2024 National Paskibraka selection. Tri Setia passed with a student from Buleleng, Anak Agung Ngurah Panji Dharma Putra.

Her graceful portrait while marching with Paskibraka caught the attention of netizens. Well, summarized by brilio.net on Saturday (17/8), here is a portrait of Ni Komang Tri Setia carrying the flag lowering tray at IKN .

Facebook/Disdikpora Kabupaten Klungkung

A grade XI student of SMA N 1 Semarapura, Ni Komang Tri Setia, was trusted to be the representative from Bali, to join the national Paskibraka.

Facebook/Disdikpora Kabupaten Klungkung

This made history, because he was part of the first Paskibraka team, which was on duty during the Flag Ceremony to Commemorate the 79th Independence Day of the Republic of Indonesia in the Capital City of the Archipelago, IKN.

Facebook/Disdikpora Kabupaten Klungkung

Ni Komang Tri Setia is known to have had a long story of struggle before being selected as a Flag Ceremony officer at the IKN.

Facebook/Disdikpora Kabupaten Klungkung

Tri Setia has been interested in becoming a Paskibraka since childhood and dreams of becoming a cadet at the Police Academy (Akpol).


Tri Setia's father, I Nyoman Subrata, said that his son had liked marching since he was in elementary school.


His love for marching was then continued by participating in the Marching Creation Competition (LKBB) at his school.


One thing that the family will never forget is that two days before the LKBB competition, Komang Tri Setia had a traffic accident which left his legs full of wounds.


Tria Setia's desire was very strong, and she insisted on joining the race even though her leg was bandaged. Until finally the team from Komang Tri Setia managed to win 1st place in the LKBB competition.

Facebook/Presiden Joko Widodo

Until finally he could realize his dream of becoming a Paskibraka team. Komang Tri Setia participated in a series of selections from school, district, to provincial levels and succeeded in becoming a representative from Bali to become the National Paskibraka team in 2024.

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