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5 Agustus 2024 05:00

9 Portrait of Sonny Septian and Fairuz's bedroom is simple and full of items, the door is a gym

Even though it looks simple, the overall design of Sonny and Fairuz's house is really elegant, you know. Sri Jumiyarti Risno

Famous as a soap opera and FTV actor, Sonny Septian seems to have quite a luxurious residence. This residence is a place to live with his small family, namely his wife Fairuz A Rafiq and their children.

This second residence was apparently designed by the celebrity couple themselves using the American Classic concept. However, before it was renovated to be more spacious in this classic style, it turned out that Sonny and Fairuz's house was quite comfortable in a minimalist style.

Because it carries a minimalist concept, some areas seem cramped even though they are still comfortable to live in. This celebrity couple's bedroom is no exception, which is not very spacious but can still accommodate several items. Sonny even uses the area at the door of his room as a pull up practice area.

Are you curious about what Sonny Septian and Fairuz's bedroom looked like before it was renovated? Come on, take a look at the review below as summarized by brilio.net from AH's YouTube channel on Sunday (4/8).

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Sonny Septian and Fairuz's bedroom is on the 2nd floor. This is the stairs area to their bedroom.

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On the second floor there is not only the main bedroom area, but there are rooms for the nuns and their children. You can see a combination of monochrome colors on the walls and doors.

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Right next to the main bedroom door there is a table and shelf which can be used as a place for drinking water or to display several memorable photos of this celebrity's family.

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This is what it looked like when they entered Sonny Septian and Fairuz's bedroom.

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Different from other rooms where white and gray are dominant. The bedroom is designed with brown colors on the mattress, walls and cupboards.

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Sonny and his wife's bedroom is not very spacious, so it's not surprising that the bed is close to the wall. Moreover, there was an additional small mattress for their baby at that time.

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Apart from that, this room also has a special glass shelf as a place to store Fairuz's perfume collection.

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So, in the meantime, this is Sonny and Fairuz's make-up place and wardrobe which is already fully stocked.

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In order to be able to utilize every side of his bedroom, Sonny Septian deliberately added pull ups to the door frame. This area is a place for Sonny to exercise to increase his arm muscle mass.

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