A series of imagesduring the Indonesian national revolution captured by Dutch photographer W.F.J. Pielage were finally published after sitting in storage for more than half a century inthe Netherlands.
In April, the photos were shown atAmsterdam Museum in an exhibition titled"Colonial War 1945-1949 - Desired and Undesired Images".
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These pictures show the brutality of the conflict.
12 Rare photos of Indonesia under colonialism and in war

Fallen Indonesian soldiers and a bamboo spear.

Injured Indonesian soldiers bound after their capture.
Dutch soldiers with captured Indonesian fighters.
Indonesian captives and dead from both sides.
An Indonesian soldier pulled out of a ditch.
Dutch soldiers with Indonesian women.
Indonesian doctor treats a wounded Dutch soldier. The Dutch military detroyed the negative of this image to avoid its publication.
Dutch marines make an amphibious landing.
Dutch soldiers on guard as Indonesian workers repair a damaged railway.
Dutch troops in combat.