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18 Juli 2024 15:01

No need to brush, this is an effective way to remove stubborn stains on kitchen towels so they shine like new

The kitchen is one of the rooms that gets dirty quickly. Nadhifah

The kitchen is one of the rooms that gets dirty quickly. The reason is, the cooking process sometimes produces waste and oil splatters are left on the kitchen table. To clean the kitchen, some people deliberately wipe it with a rag.

With one wipe, all the dirt on the surface of the kitchen table is immediately removed. The kitchen looks clean and shiny again after cooking.

However, various dirt will actually transfer to the rag . If you don't clean it straight away, the rag will become dirty and even smell bad.

To clean it, a number of people deliberately rub a rag using various cleaning solutions. To get maximum cleanliness, the rag must be brushed as hard as possible and for a long time.


But if you don't want the hassle, you can copy the method done by Instagram user @tinisusanii. In his video upload, he shows the appearance of his kitchen towel which appears to be covered in stubborn stains.


The first step, put the kitchen cloth in the bucket. Then pour in dish soap and salt. The dosage can be adjusted according to the number of kitchen towels being cleaned.


He also added baking soda and vinegar to the bucket. Finally, pour hot water until it soaks all parts of the kitchen cloth.


No need to scrub or scrub, just leave the kitchen cloth soaked in the cleaning solution for 30 minutes. The mixture of kitchen ingredients used is considered effective in removing all types of stains on kitchen towels. This was proven, after leaving it for 30 minutes, the appearance of the kitchen towel seemed to change. "I checked it briefly then rinsed, the result was shiny like new," he said, quoted by BrilioFood from Instagram @tinisusanii on Thursday (18/7). For those of you who have been confused about how to wash dirty kitchen towels, just practice this method. Without having to be tired of scrubbing, the kitchen cloth will be maximally clean.

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