Ferdi Ali, who is known for his antagonistic roles, has recently stolen the public's attention. Through his social media posts, he was seen remembering his late first wife, Syasya Yunisha, in a touching way. Together with his new wife, Raden Silvi, and daughter, Fesya Shakila Arnaz, Ferdi made a pilgrimage to Syasya's grave to commemorate her birthday.
In his upload, Ferdi shared a touching moment with a caption containing an expression of his heart to always pray for his first wife.
"November 28, 2024, Today is your birthday Mamam Shasya. God willing, we will always remember you through the prayers we say for you in every prayer. Hopefully we can gather again in His Heaven, Aamiin. We always love you because of Allah," wrote @ferdiali56.
It is known that Syasya Yunisha died on April 15 2014 at the young age of 24 years due to dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF). At that time, Syasya had just become a mother. When her little daughter was only 9 months old, she died. Syasya's passing left deep sorrow, both for Ferdi and his family.
Three years after Syasya's departure, Ferdi married Silvi Setiani, a woman who previously worked as a journalist. Their marriage took place in July 2017 and until now their household is known to be harmonious.
Silvi is not only a supportive life partner, but also a loving mother figure for Fesya. Their moment together when remembering Syasya is proof of a family relationship full of respect and love.
So what was the moment when Ferdi Ali celebrated his late wife's birthday with his second wife? Let's see the full review below! Brilio.net adapted from Instagram @ferdiali56, Saturday (11/30).
foto: Instagram/@ferdiali56
1. Through his personal Instagram page which was just uploaded some time ago, Ferdi Ali can be seen making a pilgrimage to the grave of his late first wife.
foto: Instagram/@ferdiali56
2. Not alone, Ferdi came with his daughter Fesya from his first marriage with the late Syasya. Looks like Fesya has grown into a beautiful child.
foto: Instagram/@ferdiali56
3. Not only that, Ferdi also took his second wife, Silvi, to make a pilgrimage and pray for his late first wife.
foto: Instagram/@ferdiali56
4. In addition to cleaning the area of the late Syasya's burial, it appears that the son also covered the writing on his late mother's tombstone.
foto: Instagram/@ferdiali56
5. In the upload, Ferdi's children are also seen still wearing school uniforms. Both of Ferdi's children look so close and loving.
foto: Instagram/@ferdiali56
6. After Fesya thickened the writing on her mother's tombstone, Ferdi stepped in to thicken the Arabic letters that read 'inalillahi wainalillahi rojiun' with a sad expression.
foto: Instagram/@ferdiali56
7. This is the moment when Ferdi and his small family prayed for the late Syasya. This moment invited the sympathy of netizens who also prayed for Ferdi Ali's first wife and family.