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7 Agustus 2024 17:56

Suing for divorce from wife after 18 years of marriage, here are 9 portraits of Andre Taulany and Erin from dating until now

In 2021, the couple who married in 2005 were hit by the issue of divorce. Khansa Nabilah
foto: Instagram/@andreastaulany; Instagram/@erintaulany

Shocking news came from Andre Taulany . The famous comedian and presenter has filed for divorce against his wife, Rien Wartia Trigina or who is familiarly called Erin. This lawsuit was registered on April 4 2024 at the Tiga Raksa Religious Court, Tangerang, with case number 1668/pdtg/2024/patigaraksa.

The news of this divorce shocked the public, considering that their household had always been known to be harmonious. For almost 19 years together, Andre and Erin have become one of the celebrity couples who are rarely hit by gossip. The two of them always look intimate and compact on various occasions.

Andre and Erin's love journey began in 2005. At that time, Andre, who was known as a playboy, finally decided to marry Erin, who was 11 years younger than him. This marriage has now been blessed with three grown children.

Even though they were hit by divorce issues in 2021, this couple managed to get through it. However, recently the two of them have rarely shown moments together on social media. The last upload featuring the two of them was watching a Coldplay concert in November 2023.

Here, brilio.net collects moments of Andre Taulany and Erin Taulany's togetherness from various sources on Wednesday (7/8).


Andre was known as a playboy before marrying Erin. He fought hard to win the heart of Erin, who was initially not interested in him.


Their love journey began after they were introduced by Andre's younger brother. Erin initially ignored messages and calls from Andre because of the large age difference.


Andre and Erin married on December 17 2005 after Andre succeeded in convincing Erin and they dated briefly.


Erin married young when she was still a student. They are 11 years apart in age, with Andre born in 1974 and Erin in 1985.


Andre and Erin's marriage was blessed with three children, namely Ardio Raihansyah Taulany, Arkenzy Salmansyah Taulany, and Arlova Carissa Taulany.


Their household was hit by rumors of divorce in 2021 because they rarely appeared together, but this news was denied.


Recently, Andre and Erin have been seen less and less together in social media posts.


At Erin's birthday celebration in 2022, Andre appeared to be present. However, after that, he did not attend his wife's birthday celebrations for two years in a row.


The last photo of them together that was distributed to the public was at a Coldplay concert in November 2023.

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