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5 Juni 2024 20:44

Previously known as sexy, now his appearance is more closed, Cimoy's 9 latest portraits look more like Anisa Bahar

Many netizens praised her new appearance, saying she looked more like Anisa Bahar. Ferra Listianti

Nuraini or familiarly known as Cimoy Montok has stolen the attention again. This time because of his latest upload which shows the moment of the proposal. Recorded from his TikTok account, this TikToker, who has existed since a young age , has just been proposed to by his lover, Dimas.

A happy face radiated from Cimoy Montok, who is known to be 19 years old. Apart from giving congratulations, quite a few people highlighted their appearance style. Cimoy Montok, who previously often appeared sexy, has now changed drastically.

Cimoy shows a more covered appearance by wearing a hijab. Many netizens praised his new appearance. However, there are also quite a few people who are interested in Cimoy, considering that his latest portrait is considered to look more like Anisa Bahar.

"It's been a long time like Anisa Bahar," said @inkfinityprint92.

"Cimoy looks like Anisa Bahar," added @qoriah7588.

"I think this is Anisa Baharr," explained @akuh.yang.celalu.menyayangimuh.

The following brilio.net summarizes from the Instagram account @cimoynuraini_wjy on Wednesday (5/6), the latest portrait of Cimoy which makes you wonder.

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1. The moment of Cimoy Montok's proposal which was recorded from his TikTok upload successfully stole the public's attention. Remembering that Cimoy rarely shows portraits of his intimacy with his lover.

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2. Proposed to by her lover, Dimas, a happy face radiated from Cimoy Montok, who was known to be 19 years old.

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3. Apart from giving congratulations, quite a few people highlighted Cimoy's appearance style which made the public confused.

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4. Cimoy, who is known for being too bold in dressing because he always wears open clothes, now appears more closed.

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5. This TikTok celebrity appears veiled with a combination of a black pashmina hijab and a pink t-shirt.

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6. Not only once, in several other uploads Cimoy also appeared covered in casual clothes. Like when she combined jeans with a jacket and black hijab.

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7. Apart from praising him, quite a few people are also interested in Cimoy. Considering that the latest portrait is considered to look more like Anisa Bahar.

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8. Apparently, before settling on wearing the hijab, Cimoy Montok had demonstrated several poses that covered the private parts of her head. However, at that time, Cimoy still looked attractive.

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9. Cimoy's make-up is now even neater. His appearance makes him look mature.

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