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11 Agustus 2024 17:00

Portraits of 9 celebrities at Erina Gudono's 7th month pregnancy thanksgiving, Beby Tsabina's vibes are like an official's mother

The invited guests who attended appeared to be wearing matching kebaya and batik cloth. Syeny Wulandari
Portraits of 9 celebrities at Erina Gudono's 7th month pregnancy thanksgiving, Beby Tsabina's vibes are like an official's mother

Erina Gudono and Kaesang Pangarep will soon be parents . Currently, Erina's pregnancy has entered its seventh month.

As a form of gratitude for the presence of a future child in their household, the couple held a seven-month thanksgiving and tingkeban. The event was held quite lively at the Bogor Presidential Palace on Saturday (10/8) yesterday.

The excitement of the event was also seen from the celebrities who attended. On this special occasion, they showed off their best fashion styles.

Curious about what it looks like? Come on, take a peek at the portrait as summarized by brilio.net from various sources, Sunday (11/8).

After becoming bridesmaids, the finalists of Puteri Indonesia were seen attending the thanksgiving and tingkeban event for Erina Gudono's 7th month pregnancy. As their dress code, they wore Javanese kebaya with floral motifs.


After becoming bridesmaids, the finalists of Puteri Indonesia were seen attending the thanksgiving and tingkeban event for Erina Gudono's 7th month pregnancy. As their dress code, they wore Javanese kebaya with floral motifs.

Even though the kebaya is the same, namely with a pink color palette, they combine it with different jarik motifs.


Even though the kebaya is the same, namely with a pink color palette, they combine it with different jarik motifs.


For example, Puteri Indonesia 2022 Laksmi DeNeefe wore a Kartini-style kebaya and combined it with batik cloth and a brown scarf as a belt.


Meanwhile, Cindy May McGuire chose a kutu baru kebaya model and combined it with brown batik cloth and a gold brooch.


Puteri Indonesia Pariwisata 2022, Adinda Cresheilla is also no less charming. Her appearance is complemented by brown batik cloth with a bag and shoes in matching pink shades.


Beby Tsabina's style was praised as an official's mother when wearing a new kutu kebaya in purple. The dark purple shawl and angkin looked perfectly combined in the appearance of the 21-year-old woman.


Kiky Saputri who also attended the event looked elegant in a baby blue-pink kutu baru kebaya with floral motifs. The puffy accent on the shoulders of the kebaya made her appearance even more attractive.


Aurel Hermansyah looked charming in a black kebaya kutu baru with a floral motif decorated with an orange shawl on her shoulders. The kebaya was designed by Wiranti Kurnia Bride.


There is also Giring and his wife Cynthia Riza who look harmonious wearing red and pink clothes.

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