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25 Juli 2024 10:25

Moments of joy for 13 celebrities undergoing a baptism procession, the latest being Denise Chariesta at the age of 31

Denise wants to close her past and start a new chapter in life by choosing the path of baptism. Syeny Wulandari

Some people who hold firm beliefs often have a desire to study the religion they believe in more deeply. One of them is the baptism process, which is carried out mainly for Christians. The process of baptism is called baptism, carried out with water as a form of cleansing.

Being one of the important moments in life, a number of Indonesian artists have also shared their baptism process on social media. Most recently, there is Denise Chariesta . He wanted to close his past and start a new chapter in life by choosing the path of baptism.

Not only Denise, the following celebrities also underwent baptism at an adult age. After being baptized, they are defined as individuals who are born holy again and are ready to live with firm faith in God.

Are you curious about who it is and what the moment was like? Check out brilio.net reviews from various sources, Thursday (25/7).


Together with other church members, Amanda Manopo looked solemn during the baptism procession in February 2023.


This is the moment SMASH member Rafael Tan was baptized during the pandemic. When he was baptized he was already 33 years old.


While visiting Israel-Jordan at Christmas 2019, Felicya Angelista decided to undergo baptism. Even though she had been baptized in middle school, this mother of two children again underwent this sacred ceremony in the river where the Lord Jesus was baptized.


Undergoing baptism with her colleagues, Ranty Maria wore a yellow t-shirt with the words 'Proclaim in Christ'. In this moment that occurred in December 2018, he was accompanied by priests Raymond Fernando and Dimas Wibisono.


Likewise with his girlfriend, Rayn Wijaya, decided to undergo holy baptism on April 8 2023. At that time, the procession was also accompanied by Ranty Maria.


Marsha Aruan chose a beautiful date on 8-8-2020 to be baptized. This actress was baptized in a swimming pool wearing a long white dress which is a symbol of purity.


The star of the film Si Manis Jembatan Ancol, Kiky Fatmala, decided to change religions in 2019 and immediately decided to be baptized. His decision to firmly embrace Christianity began when he listened to a spiritual song at his friend's house.


Salmafina Sunan chose to change religions and was baptized in January 2020. This decision caused Salma to close off communication with her parents, but now her relationship with her parents has returned to harmony.


Marcella Simon initially converted to Islam in 2019. However, three years later, she decided to change religion and underwent a baptism procession.


Angela Gilsha has often claimed to be an agnostic. However, now the soap opera star Samudra Cinta has embraced the teachings of Jesus and underwent baptism accompanied by his family.


The soap opera artist Diary of a Wife, Callista Arum, once shared a photo of when she was baptized. It also appears that the moment was attended by actor Samuel Zylgwyn and his wife, Franda. During the baptism procession, Callista was also accompanied by her beloved family.


Former Genta Buana child artist Riri Febriana caused a stir in the public with her portrait during her baptism in November 2023. This is because she previously converted to Islam and used to wear the hijab.


Most recently, at the age of 31, Denise Chariesta underwent baptism with Pastor Gilbert Lumoindong. The baptism process was carried out on Tuesday (23/7) afternoon, at GBI Church Glow FC, in the Thamrin area, Central Jakarta.

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