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19 Agustus 2024 13:45

Inactive on TV screens, this is the fate of 80s TV announcer Dhonie Imansari, his 11 latest portraits are amazing

Decades have passed, Dhonie Imansari is not seen on television stations Ferra Listianti

Unlike today's era that chooses YouTube viewing, in the 70s to 90s, television shows were very popular. One of the television stations that was quite popular at that time, namely TVRI, had an iconic music program in the 90s, namely 'Sunday Album'.

Album Minggu aired every week on Sunday afternoon. Looking back, this program was hosted by two top presenters at the time.

The hosts of the event were Adam and Dhonie Imansari. The latter name was not only a host, but he was also a broadcaster in the 80s on a government-owned television station.

Decades have passed, Dhonie Imansari has not been seen on television stations. So how is she? Her appearance has now changed, her face is striking with a hijab on her head.

Below, brilio.net summarizes from various sources on Monday (19/8), the latest portrait and news of Dhonie Imansari.


In the 1980s to 1990s, 'Sunday Album' became a popular program aired on TVRI. This program was hosted by hit presenters, namely Dhonie Imansari and Adam.


However, the woman who is familiarly called Doni is now no longer seen on the screen. Reporting from her Instagram page, it turns out that Doni who used to be identical with shoulder-length hair and left loose is still a presenter.


He now often becomes a trainer or public speaking coach in various places. However, he no longer exists on the screen.


It is known that since 2007 Doni has been a lecturer in public speaking at STIKOM InterStudi majoring in Broadcasting, Public Relations and Business Communication. He is also trusted to be a guest lecturer at the University of Indonesia and Esa Unggul University.

Through his expertise in hosting events, Doni was also trusted to be the National Broadcaster Competency Test Examiner.


Unlike before, Doni's appearance has also changed. If he used to dress up with his hair down, now he wears a hair cover.


Well, this is a happy portrait of Doni's family. Currently, Doni already has grandchildren. He looks quite active in sharing various moments with his family, including moments with his children and grandchildren.


For those who don't know, Doni has been a presenter on TVRI since 1988, so he has not only presented the Album Minggu program.


He is known as a presenter whose demeanor is firm and polite, making anyone who watches his broadcasts immediately fascinated.


Even though he is no longer young, Dhonie still looks stylish. Combine jeans with flannel, his portrait is like a teenager.


Enjoying the atmosphere while on vacation, Dhonie's charm has not changed. Still beautiful and charming, right?

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