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19 Juni 2024 14:25

His new appearance is called an Arab Prince, here are 9 portraits of Verrell Bramasta after a hair transplant

The decision was made to have a hair transplant because Verrell was experiencing a receding hairline which caused his hair to be styled further back and uneven. Ferra Listianti

So far, Verrell Bramasta is known for his trendy appearance with short hair. But recently, Venna Melinda's son made a big decision by undergoing a hair transplant in Trkiye. Via his Instagram page, Verrell revealed that this decision was taken after long consideration.

"After quite a long consideration, I finally decided to do a hair transplant, and this is halal in Islam, according to many scholars, because it uses my own hair. This time I entrust this process to "the best hair transplant" in the world in Istanbul, Turkey," he explained.

During Eid al-Adha yesterday, Verrell also showed his latest portrait after a hair transplant . It appears that Verrell now appears with a bald head with hair roots evenly distributed on his forehead. His latest appearance has received praise from netizens, calling him like an Arab Prince.

"Ouch, he looks like an Arabian prince," said @momm_cogancogan.

"Asli is getting more mature and cool, bald," said @sahabatverrell.

"Even though he's bald and has scars, he's handsome, bro @bramastavrl," praised Rezki Adhitya.

"Whatever a handsome person does with his hair is still cool," said @faiz_artawan.

The following brilio.net summarizes from Instagram @bramastavrl on Wednesday (19/6), the latest portrait of Verrell Bramasta after hair transplantation.


Even though he hasn't experienced baldness, Verrell Bramasta decided to have his hair transplanted.


This decision was made because he experienced 'receding hairline' which caused his hairline to move further back and look uneven.


Verrell apparently has felt this since 2020, when he was filming the soap opera 'Princess for Prince'.


After undergoing hair transplant surgery, his appearance has changed. Verrell's latest portrait appeared when he uploaded Eid al-Adha moments with his family.


It appears that after the operation was carried out smoothly, Verrell's head is now shaved but with hair roots evenly distributed on his forehead.


Verrell Bramasta's new look with a bald haircut also invited many comments from netizens.


Not a few people say that his latest appearance is increasingly manly, like an Arabian Prince.


Verrell stated that his desire for a hair transplant had been thought through carefully. "This is halal in Islam, according to many scholars, because it uses your own hair," he explained.


What do you think about Verrell Bramasta's appearance after undergoing a hair transplant?

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