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18 Juli 2024 23:25

Having graduated from PhD at the age of 53, here are 7 portraits of Desy Ratnasari who now officially holds a doctorate degree

Desy's happy graduation moment was celebrated by eating together. Ferra Listianti

Even though she has a lot of busy activities in the world of politics, Desy Ratnasari apparently has not forgotten about education. After successfully completing her master's degree, this member of the DPR RI, who was once the queen of 90s soap operas, brought happy news.

He has just completed his doctoral degree in Psychology at Atmajaya University. Desy also underwent a closed trial on June 7 2024, and was declared to have graduated from strata 3 .

With pride, Desy can now wear a doctorate in front of her name, adding to her greatness and excellence. Of course, this title is not only for him but also his friends. One of them is Alya Rohali who always provides full support to this member of the DPR RI.

The following brilio.net summarizes from Instagram @desyratnasariterdepan on Thursday (18/7), a portrait of Desy Ratnasari now holding a doctorate.


On June 7 2024, Desy took a closed PhD exam on the Atmajaya University campus, where she studied.


With pride, Desy can now wear a doctorate in front of her name, adding to her greatness and excellence. Alya was very impressed with Desy's achievements.


Not only Alya, Desy's other friends also feel proud of the politician's achievements. They also celebrated by eating together.


Desy's closest friends never stop praying that the knowledge she has gained can provide great benefits to many people.


The education Desy has achieved will also be implemented into her career. As is known, Desy was again trusted as a member of the DPR RI for the third term.


For the last ten years, it has focused on the world of politics rather than the entertainment industry.


This decision shows his strong dedication and commitment to his duties as a politician.

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