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8 Juli 2024 15:25

Following in Mahalini's nose surgery footsteps, Rizky Febian's 5 latest appearances are said to be like different people

Sule said that Rizky Febian underwent nose surgery to treat the sinusitis he had suffered from since childhood. Syeny Wulandari
Following in Mahalini's nose surgery footsteps, Rizky Febian's 5 latest appearances are said to be like different people

Recently, social media was shocked by a video and post showing the changes in appearance that occurred to singer Mahalini Raharja. After further investigation, it turned out that Mahalini underwent nose surgery due to problems with her health.

Not yet finished with the news of the beautiful singer's latest appearance which is currently being widely discussed, apparently Rizky Febian is also doing the same thing as his wife. It is known that both of them underwent plastic surgery while on holiday in South Korea.

Meanwhile, Sule himself did not deny that his son would follow in his wife's footsteps by having nose surgery. However, Sule said the operation was to treat the sinusitis that Rizky Febian had suffered from since childhood.

"It's true, Iky carried out an operation in Korea. He (Rizky Febian) carried out the operation for a reason," explained Comedian Sule, quoted from SL Media's YouTube, Monday (8/7).

"Because Iky has had sinuses since he was little, he has to take the fluid. If he doesn't take it, the fluid can hinder his breathing," he explained.

Iky's changes did not fail to reap disappointed reactions from netizens. In fact, quite a few people think that Mahalini's husband's face looks like a different person.

" Money can change everything ," said @husainahmad2107

" Do you look like Roy Kiyoshi ," said @hanna_fahmy1

" Yes, yes, he looks like Roy Kiyoshi now ," said @chiko41274

" Like Maikel Jeksen, sorry ," wrote @kkdg

" Roy Kiyoshi, Ivan Gunawan, Kren Delano are all similar, why does it have to be opped ," commented @dewiungiel

What's the portrait like? The following is Rizky Febian's latest appearance, summarized by brilio.net from various sources, Monday (8/7).

Rizky Febian had a flat nose, but it suddenly turned sharp.

Instagram @rizkyfbian ; TikTok @puputdeka_17

Rizky Febian had a flat nose, but it suddenly turned sharp.

TikTok @nisanajmudin

Apart from that, Rizky Febian's face around the nose also looks still swollen like someone who has just had plastic surgery.

TikTok @sa_biyya

As a result, the face of Sule's eldest son became the focus of netizens.

TikTok @sa_biyya

Many do not fully believe Sule's statement regarding the reason his child had nose surgery. Moreover, the operation is considered to change the shape of the original face.

TikTok @sa_biyya

According to them, the appearance of this 26 year old man with his new nose makes him look even stranger.

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