The youngest child of Anang Hermansyah and Kris Dayanti has just turned 24 years old. At the age of two, right at his birthday celebration, Azriel proposed to his girlfriend, Sarah Menzel. The entire family witnessed the moment of the proposal on Thursday (27/6), evening at a restaurant.
In the video shared by Aaliyah Massaid , Azriel, wearing a black shirt, is seen kneeling in front of Sarah. He held out a box containing a ring to Sarah. Because she didn't expect the surprise, Sarah looked shocked to the point of speechless. Receiving a proposal from Azriel, Sarah shyly said 'yes'.
"Sarah wants to answer, Sarah answers, right?" Aurel asked.
"Yes," Sarah answered shyly.
This moment received happy cheers from the family who witnessed Azriel and Sarah's romance. Netizens also congratulated Azriel. Come on, take a look at the moment Azriel Hermansyah proposed to Sarah Menzel , compiled by from various sources on Friday (28/6).

Azriel Hermansyah and his family held a private dinner to celebrate his 24th birthday. At this moment, Azriel was seen inviting his lover along with his mother Sarah Menzel.
While the dinner was taking place, Azriel unexpectedly gave Sarah a surprise and a long-awaited moment.
Romantically, Azriel was seen kneeling in front of Sarah while taking out a ring.
Sarah looked shocked to the point of speechlessness when she saw Azriel proposing to her. He also seemed to be blushing while covering part of his face.
Even though she didn't expect it, the 21 year old woman said 'yes' in response to Azriel's proposal.
Hearing his lover's answer, Azriel expressed his happiness by hugging him.
Their romantic relationship has been dating for 4 years. It's not surprising that Azriel wants to take things seriously with Sarah.
They both proposed at the same time, do you think Azriel-Sarah and Aaliyah-Thoriq got married together or not?
Happiness radiated from the faces of Azriel and Sarah who finally immediately took their relationship to a serious level.