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6 Juni 2024 12:40

As if the news of a marital rift was dismissed, 7 compact portraits of Sarwendah & Ruben Onsu at their child's birthday party

The togetherness of Ruben Onsu and his family made a number of people happy. Moreover, Betrand Peto was also present there. Ferra Listianti

Ruben Onsu and Sarwendah's household is currently being discussed, after news spread that the two had been living separately for the last two months. This issue spread even louder with the news that Sarwendah was suing her husband for divorce in court. However, this has been denied by Sarwendah and his attorney, Chris Sam Siwu.

As if to dismiss the news of a breakdown in their household, Ruben and Sarwendah showed a compact portrait while celebrating the birthdays of their two children, Thalia and Thania. In several photos shared on the Instagram page, Sarwendah, Ruben Onsu , Betrand Peto, Thalia and Thania are seen wearing uniforms together.

There was also a happy moment when Ruben kissed his youngest daughter, Thania. Meanwhile Sarwendah kissed Thalia. Meanwhile, Onyo, Betrand's nickname, looks cute behind his younger brother while showing a heart-shaped hand pose.

The following is a portrait of Ruben and Sarwendah's togetherness at their child's birthday, as summarized by brilio.net on Thursday (6/6) from various sources.


After previously being questioned about Ruben's presence at Thania and Thalia's surprise birthday, now the public looks happy.


Ruben Onsu and Sarwendah again showed a compact portrait at the birthday party of their daughters, Thalia and Thania.


As if to dismiss the news of a breakdown in their marriage, Ruben and Sarwendah wore white couple t-shirts together.


Appearing posing together, Ruben's family looks harmonious. The expression of happiness was also clearly visible on the faces of each family member.


It is known that Thalia and Thania have the same birthday. Not surprisingly, Ruben's two daughters always celebrate birthdays together.


The happy moment Ruben kissed Thania was also seen. Meanwhile Sarwendah kissed Thalia. Meanwhile, Onyo looks cute at the back while showing a heart-shaped hand pose.


This united moment of Ruben's family succeeded in stealing the public's attention. Many were happy and relieved when Ruben and Sarwendah finally appeared again with complete formation.

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