News of divorce has come again from the Indonesian entertainment world. This time, comedian and presenter Andre Taulany shocked the public with the news of the divorce suit he filed against his wife, Rein Wartia Trigina or Erin, at the Tigaraksa Religious Court, Tangerang.
Bearing in mind, Andre Taulany's family has never been hit by oblique issues. Together with his wife and three children, they always upload portraits of household harmony on social media pages, both Instagram and YouTube.
However, Andre confirmed that this decision had been thought through carefully. They have tried every effort to maintain their household, but failed. As the best decision for both of them, this father of three children tried to be strong in facing it.
"It's been a long time. This isn't something sudden. It's been discussed many times and maybe now is the time. Be sincere, this decision is the best for both of us," said Andre as quoted by
Here, summarizes from various sources on Thursday (8/8), the facts about Andre Taulany's divorce.

1. File for divorce from April 2024. Andre's divorce lawsuit against his wife, Rien Wartia Trigina or Erin, could be said to be surprising because it was barely detected by the media. Andre has filed this lawsuit since April 4. However, this only became known to the public when the Public Relations of the Tigaraksa Religious Court spoke out recently. "For the name Andreas Taulany bin RNI Haumahu, it is true that he filed a divorce petition for divorce against his wife Rein Wartia Trigina bint Yulius Antony at PA Tigaraksa on April 4 2024," said Ummi Azma as Public Relations Officer of the Tigaraksa Religious Court, as reported by
2. Not because of a third person. photo: Instagram/@erintaulany Various speculations accompanied Andre Taulany's divorce request for divorce against his wife. One of the speculations circulating is that Andre Taulany is asking for divorce because of alleged infidelity. However, this rumor was immediately denied by Andre Taulany's attorney, Novio Manurung. "Oh no. No. We're sure not (because of the presence of a third person). Yes, the name household is definitely a little inappropriate," Novio Manurung underlined, as reported by
3. The reason for divorce is often bickering. photo: Instagram/@erintaulany Andre Taulany's attorney, Novio Manurung, revealed that the reason his client filed a divorce request against his wife after 18 years of marriage was because there were frequent quarrels. Unfortunately, Novio did not want to talk more about the quarrel that resulted in Andre filing a divorce petition for divorce. "Based on information from our clients, we are indeed not getting along and there are incompatibilities. Yes, maybe in the last year (conflict)," said Novio, as reported by
4. Have tried improving the household. photo: Instagram/@erintaulany Andre Taulany admitted that every effort had been made to improve his household. In fact, it is known that both of them have undergone a mediation process. But in the end, divorce was the best way for both of them. "Our household is trying to repair it and has done all that. But in the end, this is what has to be taken," said Andre, quoted from
5. Filing for divorce via the e-litigation process. photo: Instagram/@erintaulany It was revealed that Andre's application for divorce and divorce was submitted through an e-litigation process on April 4 2024. So, the process from the mediation trial to the decision was carried out electronically. "From the application to the trial, Mr. Andre went through e-litigation, via his attorney's account. So later, from the mediation trial process to the decision, Mr. Andre will not meet, so it will be done electronically," said public relations officer for the Tigaraksa Religious Court, Ummi Azma, quoted by brilio .net from