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15 Juni 2024 21:00

9 Portraits of Ira Wibowo when attending the wedding of her next child are charming, affectionately holding her ex-husband

Even though they are divorced from Katon Bagaskara, they are still united. Sri Jumiyarti Risno

Nearly years apart from Katon Bagaskara, Ira Wibowo still seems close to the children of Katon Bagaskara. Some time ago, Ira accompanied her child, Chika Bagaskara, to get married.

Not only that, Ira Wibowo became Chika's guardian who accompanied the wedding procession to the reception for his continued child. It is known that Chika was married to a man named Daffa Yudia. Their second wedding was held on Saturday (8/6) yesterday.

On that happy day, Ira Wibowo also showed off his baby's happy moments. Wearing a bright red dress code, Ira looks beautiful and has a million charms. Are you curious about what he will look like at Chika Bagaskara's wedding?

Come on, take a peek at Ira Wibowo's 9 appearances when he attended his son's wedding, which he added was charming.

foto: Instagram/@irawbw

This is the moment when Ira Wibowo accompanied Chika Bagaskara to get married.

foto: Instagram/@irawbw

Ira Wibowo was seen taking his beloved daughter to the wedding hall.

foto: Instagram/@irawbw

Ira Wibowo's appearance cannot be separated from the spotlight. She wore a red dress code that matched the groom's family. Beside him was the figure of Katon Bagaskara in a black suit with a red shirt layered.

foto: Instagram/@irawbw

Both Katon Bagaskara and Ira Wibowo looked happy to accompany their beloved daughter Chika down the aisle.

foto: Instagram/@irawbw

This is Ira's moment with her colleagues, you can see the details of Ira's trademark not-too-thick makeup. The only striking makeup is her lips, which are wearing red lipstick.

foto: Instagram/@irawbw

Ira Wibowo also had fun dancing with Katon. This is the moment the two of them enjoyed their daughter's happy day.

foto: Instagram/@irawbw

On her daughter's happy day, she continued, Ira was also happy, as seen from the radiance of her beautiful face when she posed. Ira looks simple but so charming.

foto: Instagram/@irawbw

He doesn't wear many luxurious accessories. In fact, if she wanted to, maybe she could look glamorous with luxury jewelry or branded bags.

foto: Instagram/@irawbw

This is her portrait with a red outfit, hair in a bun and earrings. His appearance at that time was very charming. He didn't forget to give a message to his son-in-law to always look after Chika.

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