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13 Agustus 2024 10:45

9 Moments when Sheila on 7 personnel took the time to pray in congregation before the concert, worthy of being labeled a role model band

The ambassador became the imam during this congregational prayer Muhammad Rizki Yusrial

Sheila on 7 never ceases to make fans fall in love. Not only known for its simplicity, this band from Jogja shows another positive side. They show their devotion to worship even though they are busy in the midst of concert preparations.

This was conveyed directly by guitarist Salman Al Jugjawy on his personal Instagram. For Salman, prayer is a mandatory worship that must be enjoyed. Because, in this worship, he feels like he meets Allah, the all-powerful God. This also makes him feel like he has everything.

" When you can enjoy meeting GOD in this world, you actually have everything, gess ," he wrote as reported by Instagram @salman_al_jugjawy on Tuesday (13/8).

Here is a moment when Sheila on 7 personnel performed congregational prayers before the concert. As a result, this positive attitude made the band that sang 'Dan' even more loved by fans and labeled a role model band.

" MasyaAllah, tabarakallah. This is how it should be. Not abandoned by the band and other personnel for the sake of migrating. But invited to migrate and move towards goodness together ," said the account @namakuthony.

" SO7 is the most blazing. Asking for a different rider than the others. Mas Sakti. Thank you for being a means of goodness. Hopefully SO7 will remain steadfast in spreading the values of goodness ," wrote the account @putri_rahendra.

" Good. Not many concerts provide adequate prayer rooms. Hopefully it will spread to other concerts ," said the account @febrianhargy

" The coolest concert... when it's time to pray, we can still pray in a prayer room that, although it's emergency, is still suitable... lots of places for ablution ," commented @mei_vita88

The view makes it natural that Duta et al deserve to be labeled a role model band. All of them were collected by brilio.net on Tuesday (13/8).

foto: Instagram/@salman_al_jugjawy

The concert was held at night, the audience had already filled the stage area in the afternoon. At this moment there were two prayer times that were passed, namely Maghrib and Isha.

foto: Instagram/@salman_al_jugjawy

However, Sheila in her concert actually anticipated this. She seemed to prepare a prayer room for her audience so that they would not have difficulty finding a place of worship.

foto: Instagram/@salman_al_jugjawy

In fact, the committee also provides an easily accessible ablution place. Fans are no longer confused about finding water when they want to pray.

foto: Instagram/@salman_al_jugjawy

This is the moment when Salman Al Jugjawy performs wuduu. He will perform the prayer first before the concert.

foto: Instagram/@salman_al_jugjawy

The video also shows many fans queuing to perform the Maghrib prayer.

foto: Instagram/@salman_al_jugjawy

This is a rebuttal from people who say that Sheila on 7 concert audiences often skip prayers.

foto: Instagram/@salman_al_jugjawy

Even the Ambassador of Sheila on 7 himself at one point acted directly as an imam.

foto: Instagram/@salman_al_jugjawy

The audience acknowledged that the concert was worthy of praise for preparing a comfortable prayer room. Even complete with air conditioning.

foto: Instagram/@salman_al_jugjawy

Until now, Sheila on 7 concerts are always loved by music lovers in Indonesia. Seen in a photo, the audience was like a sea of people.

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