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11 Oktober 2024 19:30

9 celebrity alumni of Puteri Indonesia now appear wearing hijab, Puteri Modiyanti, daughter of Tommy Soeharto, is increasingly calm

Their appearance in this hijab looks even more charming and graceful. Anindya Kurnia
foto: Instagram/@vennamelindareal; Instagram/@putmod

Puteri Indonesia is a prestigious beauty contest in Indonesia that not only emphasizes physical beauty, but also intelligence, personality, and social dedication of its finalists. Over the years, this event has produced many inspiring women who have become beauty icons in Indonesia.

However, as time went by, several Puteri Indonesia graduates decided to appear with a more closed and religious style, namely wearing a hijab. Their appearance in this hijab also looked more charming and graceful. Their beauty also radiated with a more calm appearance.

So, who are these Indonesian Princesses? Here are 9 celebrities who graduated from Indonesian Princess who now wear hijab, as summarized by brilio.net from various sources, Friday (11/10).


Once a finalist of Puteri Indonesia 1994, Venna Melinda now appears elegant wearing a hijab. Even so, her beauty still radiates and looks increasingly calm.


Alya Rohali, a mother of 3 who is the winner of Puteri Indonesia 1996, is also more graceful with her hijab. Even her face looks youthful even though she is 47 years old.


Angelina Sondakh is the winner of Puteri Indonesia 2001 whose name was widely discussed because of a corruption case. Even so, now she appears more covered up with her hijab.


Miss International 2017, Kevin Lilliana decided to wear the hijab since giving birth to her first child in October 2020.


Runner up 1 Puteri Indonesia 2006, Ananda has also been wearing hijab for the past few years. Her appearance is now more charming with covered clothes.


Chosen as Puteri Indonesia Lingkungan 2014, Elfin Pertiwi increasingly radiates her charm with a fashionable, contemporary hijab.


Dea Rizkita is a finalist for Miss Indonesia Perdamaian 2017 who decided to wear the hijab after getting married in December 2020.


Runner up 1 of Puteri Indonesia 2009, Ayu Pratiwi has also converted and has been wearing the hijab steadily for several years now.


Being the fourth runner up of Puteri Indonesia 2023, Puteri Modiyanti has recently been sharing more portraits of herself wearing a hijab. Now her appearance looks more calm.

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