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25 September 2024 19:30

7 Casual Makeup Styles of Kareena Kapoor at Home, Looking Fresh with Minimalist Makeup

In everyday life, Kareena Kapoor prefers to appear natural. But her face still looks so beautiful. Anindya Kurnia
foto: Instagram/@kareenakapoorkhan

Recently, Asoka makeup has become a viral makeup trend on TikTok and is followed by many beauty enthusiasts from various countries, including Indonesia. The popularity of this viral makeup trend on TikTok has made the name of actress Kareena Kapoor also be discussed.

Because she is the main female character in the film Asoka which became the inspiration for the viral makeup. Not a few fans of Indian makeup are looking for beauty tips ala Kareena Kapoor, who can be said to be the pioneer of this Asoka makeup.

How could it not be, the actress can still look charming today, even 23 years after the film was released in 2001. Kareena Kapoor herself is known for often playing with various makeup styles.

Although she often appears bold when attending an event, she also often appears with minimalist makeup in her daily life. Like the 7 casual makeup styles of Kareena Kapoor at home below, which briliobeauty.net has collected from various sources, Wednesday (25/9).

foto: Instagram/@kareenakapoorkhan

1. Even though she is only at home, Kareena still looks stunning with minimal makeup. In this portrait, she looks fresh with a thin complexion and simple eye makeup.

foto: Instagram/@kareenakapoorkhan

2. Wearing only a dress-like jumpsuit, Kareena still looks stunning. She looks stunning with eyeliner, on-fleek eyebrows, and nude lipstick.

foto: Instagram/@kareenakapoorkhan

3. Even without wearing a thick complexion, Kareena still looks fresh with a light touch of blush and soft pink lipstick.

foto: Instagram/@kareenakapoorkhan

4. Even when she is with her husband, Kareena prefers to appear minimalist without applying many makeup products. Again, she only relies on her favorite natural eyeliner and lipstick.

foto: Instagram/@kareenakapoorkhan

5. Even though she often appears with bold makeup, Kareena remains confident with super simple makeup.

foto: Instagram/@kareenakapoorkhan

6. She still looks fresh and her beauty doesn't fade even though she only uses nude lipstick and a light touch of blush on.

foto: Instagram/@kareenakapoorkhan

7. In this photo, Kareena looks like she is wearing a no-makeup look which makes her beauty radiate naturally.

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