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18 Juni 2024 07:28

5 This portrait of Jogja king Sri Sultan HB X's youth makes people wonder, it is said to look like Deddy Mizwar

The young Sri Sultan HB Ferra Listianti

Different from other cities, Yogyakarta has been named a Special Region where the highest government is in the hands of the king. Currently, this position is held by Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono X as Governor who is directly responsible to the President of the Republic of Indonesia.

As a king, of course many are curious about his life. Launching from the TikTok account @jalanjogja, it seems that the man who is now 78 years old had a simple youth and was full of struggle.

He even worked as a traveling ID card photographer in the Yogyakarta area. It is known that his father deliberately did not provide luxury facilities to Sri Sultan HB

Not only his life, the portrait of his youth is no less intriguing. Revealed on his TikTok account, his typical style is appearing with sunglasses. Inevitably it makes the public confused. In fact, quite a few people think that his portrait when he was young looked like the actor and director, Deddy Mizwar.

" You look like actor Kang Dedi Mizwa R," said @rayola

" Ainuhun looks like Dedi Mizwar ," added @omndutsemox

The following brilio.net summarizes from TikTok @keindahan.jogja on Tuesday (18/6), a portrait of Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono X's youth .

foto: TikTok @keindahan.jogja

This is a portrait of Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono X's youth with his wife, GKR Hemas. The two of them looked harmonious in pink outfits.

foto: TikTok @keindahan.jogja

Different from now, the style of Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono

foto: TikTok @keindahan.jogja

Different from now, the style of Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono

foto: TikTok @keindahan.jogja

However, his hair style from the past until now has not changed with side parted hair. His appearance looked simple, just wearing a polo shirt and cloth trousers.

foto: TikTok @keindahan.jogja

The good looks of Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono X made GKR Hemas fall in love. The two of them married in 1968.

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