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26 Juni 2024 18:24

38 years together, 11 intimate portraits of Doctor Boyke and Ferry Lasemawati who are as affectionate as teenagers

Now blessed with grandchildren, this couple still looks as intimate as a young couple. Syeny Wulandari

Happy news came from Doctor Boyke's family. The owner's full name, Boyke Dian Nugraha, has just married his youngest son, Dhitya Prasetya Dian Nugraha. Dhitya officially married his lover, Reza Damayanti, on Saturday (22/6) at the Imperial Tower, Jakarta.

The obstetrician also expressed his happiness at seeing his baby get married. Now, he is complete and has walked all his children down the aisle .

As is known, Doctor Boyke has three children from his marriage to Ferry Lasemawati in 1986. The harmony of this couple cannot be doubted.

38 years together, Doctor Boyke and his wife's household is far from unpleasant gossip. Even though they are blessed with grandchildren, this couple is always as intimate as a young couple .

Are you curious about what the intimate portrait of Doctor Boyke and Ferry Lasemawati looks like? The following is a summary from brilio.net from the Instagram account @drboykediannugraha, Wednesday (26/6).


The two of them met when Doctor Boyke was Ferry's senior at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia in 1980.


As a senior, of course, Boyke pays serious attention to his special junior. Boyke made various attempts to steal Ferry's attention.


After getting to know each other, Boyke began to have the courage to take Ferry home after undergoing student orientation week (Posma).


From there the seeds of love began to grow. The two of them then decided to date.


Two years after dating, Boyke and Ferry got engaged, precisely on Ferry's 21st birthday, February 20 1982.


During their courtship, Doctor Boyke and his wife also had a Lampung-Jakarta LDR (Long Distance Relationship) relationship.


This is because Boyke was assigned to Lampung, while Ferry was still in Jakarta.


After five years of dating, they decided to get married. This time it coincided with Boyke's 29th birthday, December 14 1985 at the Kartika Eka Paksi Building, South Jakarta.


Now the doctor couple has grandchildren from their three children.


As a Muslim, for Boyke, the family must strictly adhere to the principles of sakinah, mawadah and warahmah marriage.


It's not surprising that this doctor couple always shows affection like teenagers even though they are more than half a century old.

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