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21 Juni 2019 16:00

13 Portraits of the sacred moment of Deddy Corbuzier's creed, legally converting to Islam

"I got the right guidance from Gus Miftah," said Deddy Corbuzier after giving his shahada Nur Luthfiana Hardian

Deddy Corbuzier is finally officially Muslim. The creed ritual carried out by Deddy was guided directly by Gus Miftah, one of the young clerics of Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) Jogja at the Al Mbejaji Mosque, Ora Aji Yogyakarta Islamic Boarding School, owned by Gus Miftah himself.

Deddy performed his shahada at around 12.35 WIB. Before performing the shahada on the pulpit, Gus Miftah invited Deddy to hug him first.

According to brilio.net's observations, at the location attended by hundreds of congregants, Deddy himself came wearing a black suit and glasses, accompanied by his girlfriend, Sabrina Chairunnisa, who was wearing all white. After entering the mosque, Deddy immediately sat face to face with Gus Miftah.

Deddy's creed had to be repeated. Because there was a cell phone (HP) ringing from one of the people present in the mosque. Gus Miftah also asked all the congregation present to turn off the sound on their cellphones. The second creed procession finally went smoothly. Deddy smoothly recited the shahada calmly and confidently.

"Asyhadu alla ilaaha illallah wa asyhadu anna Muhammadar Rasulullah. I testify truly that there is no God but Allah and I testify profusely that the Prophet Muhammad was the messenger of Allah," said Gus Miftah, who was followed firmly by Deddy Corbuzier.

"Thank God the sacred procession has finished," said Gus Miftah after leading Deddy to recite two sentences of the shahada.

According to Deddy, he chose the ritual in Yogyakarta because his 'teacher', none other than Gus Miftah, was actually in Jogja. He actually didn't want to bother Gus Miftah if he had to ask him to fly to Jakarta.

"Actually, it's been almost 2 years (I wanted to convert to Islam). Yes, since I met him (Gus Miftah). I met someone who was nice to dialogue with. Slowly I started to feel, 'Oh, this is beautiful...' . I got the right guidance. from Gus Miftah," said Deddy when met by media crew after praying.

So, for those of you who are curious, 18 photos of the sacred and emotional moments when Deddy Corbuzier converted to Islam while being guided by the shahada by Gus Miftah, as taken exclusively by brilio.net on Friday (21/6).

Ivanovich Aldino © 2019 brilio.net

This is the atmosphere at the Ora Aji Islamic Boarding School in Yogyakarta when it welcomed the arrival of Deddy Corbuzier and his entourage. - Photo by Ivanovich Aldino

Ivanovich Aldino © 2019 brilio.net

Deddy came to Gus Miftah's hut wearing a black costume. - Photo by Ivanovich Aldino

Ivanovich Aldino © 2019 brilio.net

This was a sacred moment when Deddy Corbuzier gave his shahada following Gus Miftah's words. - Photo by Ivanovich Aldino

Ivanovich Aldino © 2019 brilio.net

After praying, the two of them met the media crew. - Photo by Ivanovich Aldino

Ivanovich Aldino © 2019 brilio.net

Deddy's creed had to be repeated twice because Gus Miftah felt disturbed by the sound of one of the congregation's cellphones which had not been silenced. - Photo by Ivanovich Aldino

Ivanovich Aldino © 2019 brilio.net

Sabrina Chairunnisa also came to accompany her lover in shahada. - Photo by Ivanovich Aldino

Ivanovich Aldino © 2019 brilio.net

According to Gus Miftah, he will invite Deddy to the house of the elderly Indonesian kiai. - Photo by Ivanovich Aldino

Ivanovich Aldino © 2019 brilio.net

Deddy felt proud, happy and relieved when asked about his shahada. - Photo by Ivanovich Aldino

Syamsu Dhuha © 2019 brilio.net

Deddy and Gus Miftah are known to have been close friends for the past 8 months. - Photo by Syamsu Dhuha

Syamsu Dhuha © 2019 brilio.net

Deddy also revealed that he had been interested in Islam for two years. - Photo by Syamsu Dhuha

Syamsu Dhuha © 2019 brilio.net

The plan is that on Friday (21/6) evening Deddy will be invited by Gus Miftah to visit KH Ma'ruf Amin's house in Jakarta. - Photo by Syamsu Dhuha

Syamsu Dhuha © 2019 brilio.net

The first lesson that Gus Miftah gave Deddy was the Al Fatihah letter. - Photo by Syamsu Dhuha

Syamsu Dhuha © 2019 brilio.net

This is the moment when Deddy and Gus Miftah will leave for Adi Sucipto Airport to immediately fly back to Jakarta. - Photo by Syamsu Dhuha

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